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Full Version: EU planning intervention to stem surging power prices
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The 3 Stooges kokee shitexchange ROFLMAO and their sidekick grotesqueness and his bozos revealer and teaserteam spent so much time maligning China spending their whole lives searching for news on China collapse these short sighted forumers forget their own backyards are burning fiercely and collapsing into ashes - their masters are about to be plunged into darkness and frozen to death this coming winter ...


Belgian Energy Minister Tinne Van der Straeten warned that the next five to 10 winters in Europe will be “terrible” unless the EU swiftly moves to impose a price cap on runaway gas prices.

EU governments are scrambling to fill underground storage facilities with gas supplies in order to have enough fuel to keep homes warm during the coming months.

Russia — which supplied roughly 40% of the EU’s gas last year — has drastically reduced flows to Europe in recent weeks.
Alam Kok   

He was so sexcited that he predicted Russia will collapse under sanction.   

Got or not?   

Rotfl Laughing  
Who collapses in the end?   

EU collapsed lah.  

Own self sanction own self!!!  

(29-08-2022, 09:35 PM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]Who collapses in the end?   

EU collapsed lah.  

Own self sanction own self!!!  

Also explained the second class refugees kokee shitexchange ROFLMAO and their sidekick grotesqueness and his bozos revealer and teaserteam cursed China but own arses on fire! For them check others forgot to check themselves ... now you know their IQ score!

They wanted to please their western masters but didn't realise they were being made use of ... sad!