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Full Version: 羽球世界冠軍葉釗穎 爆中共「打假球」體育黑幕
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china match fixing in badminton olympic semi-final! norm!
whole world know, this is not 1 case only!
ccp china try to control everything, that is their culture & core, same to all comie dogs & their communist sources of fake & lies!
no sportmanship totally, no dignity & integrity! A player train for 20 yrs to get 1 gold in olympic can give way to another player because of that player is chief coach mistress?
that is why power is over-rule, lawless in ccp china! dictatorship  top down! all fully abuse!

羽球世界冠軍葉釗穎 爆中共「打假球」體育黑幕

[Image: 3-B796903-7-DA0-4-B8-B-A6-E7-6-B4582-F65-C74.jpg]

[Image: 60-E55094-B22-D-497-C-AA89-09-CC565917-A8.jpg]

[Image: F8-A01-D2-E-4-A7-A-4263-9312-9-FF0071-D734-E.gif]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor
China has a long history of fixing games....table tennis also...
money & sex are 2 things used by ccp china in almost everything they do! real evil devil!
in movie industry or all trade are all politized, all know how they achieve fame or gold!
5000 yrs of culture? LOL LOL!


ccp china almost everything is fake & lies!

曾被逼在奧運輸給隊友 葉釗穎爆中共體育黑幕

(30-08-2022, 12:19 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 3-B796903-7-DA0-4-B8-B-A6-E7-6-B4582-F65-C74.jpg]

[Image: 60-E55094-B22-D-497-C-AA89-09-CC565917-A8.jpg]

[Image: F8-A01-D2-E-4-A7-A-4263-9312-9-FF0071-D734-E.gif]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor
But match fixing still CCP wins right? Don't think CCP will match fix and let another country win. If not will be walk dog Liao..

To be able to match fix and still CCP win is not easy, agree?
flgdogs not happy mah.