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Full Version: "What is it that you think we can do that China cannot be faster, cheaper & better
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Mr Shanmugam said: "What is it that you think we can do in Singapore that the engineers in China cannot be faster, cheaper and better?"

He stressed that these are big issues that are facing Singapore that he thought many had never thought about.

"While you argue amongst yourself on how to divide the pie, somebody's just going to take the pie away," he said.
Quote:"It is a political challenge to try and keep explaining this to our people and explaining that you can't succeed by getting rid of these people... We've got to continue to have the pathways emphasise the same things - education, discipline, integrity, hard work," he added.

He stressed that these are big issues that are facing Singapore that he thought many had never thought about.

"While you argue amongst yourself on how to divide the pie, somebody's just going to take the pie away," he said.

The govt has twisted our intention yet another time.

We are not against true talents that come here, but the fact is many of them are not talents. 

Why is he assuming that people do not think about all these big issues? This is another of those occasions where he revealed that the govt thinks people are stupid and not think of the bigger picture.

The division of the pie is as important as growing it. If not, many people who work the hardest will forever be deprived of their rightful share.
(03-09-2022, 02:02 PM)forum456 Wrote: [ -> ]

"While you argue amongst yourself on how to divide the pie, somebody's just going to take the pie away," he said.

2 Arguments lah

1) Mkt share/ Pie
PAP thinks by getting MNC to open another Subsidiary in their list
and importing FTs means the pie is ours?
That is childish.

2) Who thinks of dividing the Mkt Share/ pie?
By trying the steal other pple's lunch
The only way is to work hand-in-hand with China to achieve "共同富裕"!

There is no way Sg can do "faster, cheaper and better" alone!
China ministers much cheaper should replace PAP ones.
Attract of talents is a must but also a must to more towards compliment to Sporeans, not compete.
Why waste the resources on education if purse of economy growth is the only goal.
To divide the pie is more to ensure society is not divide, creating sense of belonging.

The minister is ignoring many of west also have cap of foreign import.
Also while China has arguable most complete industrial capabilities,
but they would not focus in all and certainly not able to do so,
if not they would not go for BRI.

Shan exhibit lack of foresight how to hold the country together for sustainable
To go for borderless world as Soros promoting? No country Soros ngos presence is without unrest.