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Full Version: Russia cutting of gas and weaponising gas supply...will simply backfire
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There will be severe hardship in countries like Germany but if they give in to Russian demand to lift sanctions it will prove to be fatal error and no end to their nightmare.

It takes some time to build LNG infrastructure so there will be some pain going into winter. EU can hold together only if states cooperate to help each other. Only if they totally cut off dependence on Russian gas then they can escape the tyranny of threats from the aggressive state.

[Image: aE9bHhy.jpg]
Despite the dooms day headlines after Russia cut gas supplies, Germany has been preparing for some time. They have several options and backup plans. They have coal based plants that can increase output as well as the option to reactivate nuclear plant.

By cutting off gas, rest of Europe can stop payment to Russia for gas.

 Report below:

Habeck also said Russian gas is no longer a factor in Germany's energy calculations, and that it was no surprise Russia's state-controlled energy giant Gazprom didn't resume supplies through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline after halting them for maintenance last week.

“The only thing one can rely on from Russia is lies,” he said.

Measures taken by the government in recent months, including the painful decision to reactivate some coal-fired power plants, would ensure Germany has enough energy to get through the winter, said Habeck.

“Maybe not all of those in positions of responsibility can do so, but the German population can sleep deeply and easily,” he said.
(06-09-2022, 05:10 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]There will be severe hardship in countries like Germany but if they give in to Russian demand to lift sanctions it will prove to be fatal error and no end to their nightmare.

It takes some time to build LNG infrastructure so there will be some pain going into winter. EU can hold together only if states cooperate to help each other. Only if they totally cut off dependence on Russian gas then they can escape the tyranny of threats from the aggressive state.

[Image: aE9bHhy.jpg]

Talk is really easy because you are not the one suffering.  Laughing
no worry West has alot of paperGas.
no capping allowed Putin simply shut the valve.
(06-09-2022, 07:40 AM)winbig Wrote: [ -> ]Talk is really easy because you are not the one suffering.  Laughing

Yes in a sense you are right. Just like those china fanboys saying Zero Covid is good.

Some.poorer Europeans will suffer the brunt of shortage as cost goes up.
Putin gas already up 30%
in the paper market u can reduce the price
but u get paperGas. what good is dat?
when u doing derivatives u need real gas to hedge
like what cash is doing to Banking when both equity and Bonds r hit.
Banks begin to raise rates
U get excited
u might get smart by simply going to Gold like Putin gas
of cos if u r like the Banks who need cash a higher rate helps.
Traditionally, Russian Gas is always cheaper than oil in Europe. They are connected by pipelines up to the households for cooking, bathing and heating.
Russia honoured the contract to supply oil and gas even under heavy sanctions and funny business conditions Siemens turbine booster pumps, inspection certification etc etc

Any other supplier would have cut cutter cuttered oil and gas supply long long ago such that Germany and some other European countries don't have time to fill up their storage tanks to the full in the recent months as back up for winter
U want to cap his price in the paper markets when there is a real demand
He shut the valve and u blame him.
He turns to China to help sell in the spot market like Rotterdam of old.
B4 China Greece is doing that quietly.
Now Turkey threatens Greece with military action.
(06-09-2022, 07:50 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Yes in a sense you are right. Just like those china fanboys saying Zero Covid is good.

Some.poorer Europeans will suffer the brunt of shortage as cost goes up.

This is different from zero covid. Zero covid, one just stay at home and isolate. No gas, one can freeze to death.
Backfire? You must be talking cock like kokee and his stooges!

The only backfire is gas just increased by 30% in Europe!

I find people really amazing! How is Russia suffering? Don't you sgbuffett read the news?! Ok don't read from mews agencies from nin western sources but your very own which you trust 100% western media ate now talking desperately to look for alternative resources! Notice bitn Sweden and Finland are budgeting tens of billions to energy companies to solve the coming freezing winters ...


Who started all sorts of sanctions, freezing and robbing of Russian asset, etc.???

Is that not weaponisation???
Wumao unhappy liao. din know it is done on purpose

[Image: image.gif] IS backfiring

[Image: Price-Comparison.jpg]