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Full Version: Pentagon pauses F-35 deliveries after discovering jet component came from China
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F-35s already in service are not affected by the issue

U.S. procurement laws prohibit sourcing supplies for military equipment from foreign adversaries.
again bought from taobao light?
So we paid money but no delivery?
Maybe they don't have the materials from Russia or China to manufacture the F-35. Thus, need to pause the program.
paid so much for 烂货 parts mic?
Taiwan can wait long long.... 🙄

天天硬事2405期——01 美国决定停止接受新的F-35生产因为一查发现部件来源于中国,不查不知道一查都通共了 02 美国成立老虎队加快流程处理武器贩卖给盟友的速度,想要淘汰落后武器更新装备这事不好办
(08-09-2022, 09:25 AM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote: [ -> ]paid so much for 烂货 parts mic?

What can we expect from a bunch of Angmoh's balls lickers in govt?
Their airforce also used China tracking system?
How to stop?
Well, thats one way to bring down the USAF

天天硬事2418期——01 美媒称现在所有生产的825架F-35当中都存在违规使用的中国产合金,一查就都通共了 02 朝鲜金正恩表示未来朝鲜的方向是优先解决经济发展问题,不闹事美国还怎么压制日韩
Haha, almost certain some parts sure made in China.

Can't escape one. 

I really don't understand why US is so fearful of the Chinese...they help make "effordable"  iPhones, sell them the cheapest Malwart stuff, co-produce their F-35 and sponsor their debt...

What else does the US gov wants from China ?
(06-07-2022, 05:28 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]moronic comie dogs here bark china is world no.1 in rare earth? china threaten world 7/24, I said many times, my foot.
now Turkey alone has 1600% amount of what china totally has. Australia, canada 7 ton of places still have plenty.
china dont process, F off, malaysia kuantan is another processing center in the world today!!
said many time, rare earth, aplenty globally, just too dirty & environment unfriendly, no one want this dirty job except china want money & dont mind.


all these moronic dogs here stir shit, spread rumor like insane dogs!
To cut off china component 100% from US products, that is the direction, starting from military will be very nice!
as above, rare earth, aplenty in the world today easily 20-30x of china available everywhere! is just the environment unfriendly process!
all these know nut comie liars here & their brainless supporters!

all the moronic comie dogs here, now US can even ban china rare earth, stop buying from china.
global IC, battery, military products totally has no problem with rare earth supply, china can F off now!!



中国宣布制裁洛马等美企 反击美国售台武器

wah even ahtiong magnets aso can spy ah? 太厉害了
(11-09-2022, 05:02 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote: [ -> ]wah even ahtiong magnets aso can spy ah? 太厉害了 can secretly suck up all the information on a F35... Big Grin
(08-09-2022, 08:28 AM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]F-35s already in service are not affected by the issue
U.S. procurement laws prohibit sourcing supplies for military equipment from foreign adversaries.

US has no choice - 100% of the F-35 since production have to use the Chinese component else there will be further cost overrun and delay....

So US gov lan lan have to waive this "illegal" act by F35 contractors.
(11-09-2022, 05:20 PM)Manthink Wrote: [ -> ]US has no choice - 100% of the F-35 since production have to use the Chinese component else there will be further cost overrun and delay....

So US gov lan lan have to waive this "illegal" act by F35 contractors.

Now Lockheed Martin is sanctioned by China. 

Cannot get China's parts any more!  Laughing

中國稀土停供美軍停產F-35戰機!解放軍中秋節51架戰機巡航台灣 KVD-001無人機首次飛越台海中線 拜登政府對中國發起生物科技戰 俄烏戰爭導致台灣問題國際化 科技戰 稀土戰 貿易戰 中美俄地緣博弈

【深喉嚨online 精華 •施孝瑋 】原料來自中國 美暫供F-35 完全脫中?
(11-09-2022, 04:54 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]all these moronic dogs here stir shit, spread rumor like insane dogs!
To cut off china component 100% from US products, that is the direction, starting from military will be very nice!
as above, rare earth, aplenty in the world today easily 20-30x of china available everywhere! is just the environment unfriendly process!
all these know nut comie liars here & their brainless supporters!

all the moronic comie dogs here, now US can even ban china rare earth, stop buying from china.
global IC, battery, military products totally has no problem with rare earth supply, china can F off now!!


I know the chairman of 九龙会,if you are previously from Hong Kong, he wants to counsel you.

There must be security rules for such military supply. Quite sure any country will take this sort of matter seriously and would investigate if the components will have access to any sensitive program information.
these components were bought or stolen from china?
(21-09-2022, 06:49 PM)revealer Wrote: [ -> ]There must be security rules for such military supply.  Quite sure any country will take this sort of matter seriously and would investigate if the components will have access to any sensitive program information.

The problem is they are unable to find parts to replace the alloy, which will cause months even years of delay to F35 delivery and production.

What about hundreds of F35 fighter jets that have been sold to Australia, Japan, Spore and many other countries? Will they have to return them to the U.S. for alloy replacement?  Rolleyes  Big Grin
(21-09-2022, 06:59 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]The problem is they are unable to find parts to replace the alloy, which will cause months even years of delay to F35 delivery and production.

What about hundreds of F35 fighter jets that have been sold to Australia, Japan, Spore and many other countries? Will they have to return them to the U.S. for alloy replacement?  Rolleyes  Big Grin

argue nonsense!
china is just a manufacturing place, only morons think a factory can control owner company!!
Japan is no.1 in material science, US know what to use & replace easily!!
just refuse to use china made [arts that is all!!
all these know nut comie liar & stir shit dog hyere!
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