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Full Version: Recipients of Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine not exempted from pre-event testing
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People who have received the Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine will not be exempted from pre-event testing, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Wednesday (June 30).

Vaccines not included in Singapore's national vaccination programme - Sinovac is among them - may lack sufficient documentation of how effective they are at protecting people against Covid-19 infection and, in particular, against the Delta variant of the virus currently circulating, said MOH.

The Delta strain is a new mutation of the coronavirus that is more infectious.

"Hence, from the public health point of view, individuals vaccinated with vaccines other than those in our Covid-19 national vaccination programme will still have to undergo pre-event testing," said MOH.
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TS, u sure that is the latest regulations?

Your face already kena slapped in the other thread for posting outdated news.

But assuming this regulations is still in force, yes, there should be a stop in discriminating sinovac. MOH either don't recognize it, or give it the same rights as Pfizer and moderna.

Don't con people to take sinovac by saying it will be counted as fully vaccinated, but on the other hand exclude sinovac from this and that.