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Full Version: Wounded Ukrainian soldiers reveal steep toll of Kherson offensive
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The soldiers said they lacked the artillery needed to dislodge Russia’s entrenched forces and described a yawning technology gap with their better-equipped adversaries. The interviews provided some of the first direct accounts of a push to retake captured territory that is so sensitive, Ukrainian military commanders have barred reporters from visiting the front lines.

When one soldier appeared uncertain if the counteroffensive would be worth the toll it has taken, Oleksandr, who has cultivated a reputation as the “hospital comedian,” said it was important to maintain a positive attitude.

“You have to make jokes to keep your spirits up. We can have this outlook because we’re Ukrainians,” he said. “We’re kind if you don’t touch us.”
(08-09-2022, 07:41 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]as above, game over for russia & putin in Ukraine war!


Russia Cannot Find Soldiers To Fight!

as above, russia already defeated in Ukraine war!
all these know nut comie liars here!
Ukraine already took back kherson & donbas, still BS 7/24 here!


Ukraine has won! Putin admitted that he lost!

Putin Has No Military Left: Ukrainian Army Killed “2450” Russian Soldiers!

(08-09-2022, 08:56 PM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]The soldiers said they lacked the artillery needed to dislodge Russia’s entrenched forces and described a yawning technology gap with their better-equipped adversaries. The interviews provided some of the first direct accounts of a push to retake captured territory that is so sensitive, Ukrainian military commanders have barred reporters from visiting the front lines.

When one soldier appeared uncertain if the counteroffensive would be worth the toll it has taken, Oleksandr, who has cultivated a reputation as the “hospital comedian,” said it was important to maintain a positive attitude.

“You have to make jokes to keep your spirits up. We can have this outlook because we’re Ukrainians,” he said. “We’re kind if you don’t touch us.”

Nonsense! These are all lies. 

Ukraine is invincible.
Ukraine has no death and injured soldiers
Ukraine is winning.
They have surrounded Kremlin
Thug life.