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Full Version: Cute or cruel? Naomi Neo pulls another prank on 4-year-old son, leaving him in tears
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[Image: 090922_naomikyzo_HLTT.jpg?itok=Ia0dgGg5]   

Naomi Neo (left) pulls another prank on her 4-year-old son, Kyzo (right).

Local influencer Naomi Neo's parenting methods are under the spotlight once again.

This time around, it's regarding a prank she pulled on her 4-year-old son Kyzo just before their family vacation to Australia.

The young boy was understandably excited about the trip but his mum decided to first throw a spanner in the works.

Kyzo's world came crashing down when Naomi told him that all the plane tickets were purchased bar his.

What was potentially even more terrifying was his mum's suggesting that he'd have to take care of the home while the family is away in Australia. 

Naomi's TikTok video was posted on Thursday (Sept 8) and has attracted over 1.9 million views in under a day.

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i like this type of parenting. Fun !!! Big Grin
For publicity and attention …. sacrifice her children …. parents of the year for sure
Chiobu is always right!  Big Grin
ugly like fuk
ok la. her son who care. if anything happen, we also cannot do anything. let her be.
girls always bully the weak
(09-09-2022, 11:33 PM)pervertosan Wrote: [ -> ]ugly like fuk

No wonder u r gay vomit
Media company after hiring a psychologist advise their celebrities to keep their children out of the limelight.

That is why Mediators artiste rarely or never show their children in public.

Also it is found that celebrities develop big egos and narcissistic tendencies has to revolve around them. Form unhealthy relationships with their children using their children to validate themselves.

For the above reasons many children  of celebrities grow up with more  problems. I would say for media corp celebrities it is an exception due to good advice and practices among Singapore celebrities who are aware of the pitfalls of a famous parent.

However an independent group of lifestyle YouTubers are emerging have no wisdom of the past. Just look at the scandal at NOC extreme human toxicity .

This woman is using her relationship with her child as part of her show. Does not form healthy and balance relationship with the child often pampering the child to get a response she can use for her videos.
(10-09-2022, 08:32 AM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]No wonder u r gay vomit

u like manly looking attention whores Rotfl