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Full Version: china kneel down to japan US & EU for order now 美歐 間貿易量大增、對中依賴大幅減少 中共外貿保衞戰、跪求日本、歐美訂單
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comie dogs can BS whatever lies using communist sources of fake, with covid lockdown & global cut off tie with china & russia, ban & sanction, export to US from china down almost 40% this yr, more to come!!!
plus apple going to move all their manufacturing out of china with the whole supply chain of apple products & good, from down to up stream!!
Tesla too, moving out of china.
ton more!!



all these moronic come dogs here spam how strong or powerful ccp china is!!
winnie go saudi or BS whatever, reality & hard truth is china people & company after open up, fly to everywhere to beg for manufacturing order!!
bloody top & govt BS & yaya, people kneel down everywhere in the world!! LOL LOL!!


(09-12-2022, 10:59 AM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]China kneel down on their covid now...

Havent lah. Only Change Covid tactic nia lah at the moment.

It was on defensive move with strong fortification in the past. Now start to tear down some fortification work to face the enemy.

打仗最可怕的时候不是听到炮弹和枪声,是宁静lah。Now China ppl is too fearful of the tranquility.

The guru now giving advice,千万别倒在黎明前。现在,健康在于个人,不是完全属于政府的问题了。这是你们的选择。

what happen to china today after open up & live with virus?
almost al streets in beijing, shanghai, guangzhou, shenzhen are empty, no one dare to come out due to no trust!!
almost all train or HSR are empty too!
hospital almost everywhere are full house, no ICU beds, all rush to buy medicine to self eat like crazy, will all end up in crazy sickness & illness due to anyhow take medicine?
whole country hospital are packed, all panic & worry, desperate like all comie dogs in this forum, spam  like crazy dogs here 7/24!! LOL LOL!


Hospitals across China overcrowded

Bankrupt loser slavery kokee howling jealous

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof

National scum Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous kokee howling scare panic desperate dog losing the slave kokee out
(12-12-2022, 06:04 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]all these real moronic comie dogs here & their brainless supporters, spam lies & BS, spread rumor & stir shit using communist sources of nonsense to con or brainwash morons here 7/24 in almost all their posts & threads.
all these know nut fools here used your brain? you think saudi arab are morons like all of you?
oil trading how huge is the business? buy oil no need to hedge? how to hedge using RMB? NY? :ondon? of H? even spore? who hedge oil using RMB? LOL LOL!
how about payment in RMB? 
all these comie morons here can only bark nonsense, bark USD collapse for decades instead china RMB weaken like nut!!!
yet ton of brainless of ccp china supporters here bark lies non stop whole days in this forum, wasting their time, all these retirees wait to die in this forum!!!



as above, all these moronic comie dogs here so happy with winnie saudi trip?
RMB as petrol money? my foot! instead this trip china easily lost $300B!!
yet achieve nothing!! If buy oil from saudi, what happen to their dictator evil comrade, Russia & Iran? LOL LOL!
now Iran & russia want answer from china? hahaaa!
after all manufacturing move out of china, how much oil china need? china father Russia can supply more than enough at super high price to china!!



all these evil dictatorship brotherhood, china, russia, Iran & NK & more!!
same to all the comie dogs here!!


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