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Full Version: Tomorrow is 9 -11
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No terrorist has ever bomb USA.
911 was all along ownself bomb ownself. But Americans too stupid to know
so check ark to do this to its ppl
(10-09-2022, 04:43 PM)Notdumb Wrote: [ -> ]No terrorist has ever bomb USA.
911 was all along ownself bomb ownself. But Americans too stupid to know

like you ownself fark ownself
(10-09-2022, 05:08 PM)grotesqueness Wrote: [ -> ]like you ownself fark ownself

I fark ownself u get fark by angmo coks. Rotfl
Some conspiracy folks claim ...

Bush short lots of stocks related to oil
Reason to launch war on middle war
The best video I saw was the plane penetrated the building and came out intact. Only extremely stupid Americans will believe.
(10-09-2022, 05:47 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]WTC Building 7 was not hit by any plane but collapsed on its own

[Image: E53-B5-A1-E-68-F3-4502-81-DA-618-CDBF5-E5-B5.gif]

I heard the building got frighten by the other 2. Rotfl
that building 躺平 to avoid being hit ah?
a local bank had a branch office in one of the 2 blgs. once when I was there it suddenly swung violently for a few minutes due to an earthquake nearby, damn scary. wonder what happened to it during the disaster
Show me the Money
[Image: Screenshot-2022-09-10-at-18-25-23-An-Asi...gested.png]
[Image: Screenshot-2022-09-10-at-18-29-23-GESARA-news.png]

[Image: Screenshot-2022-09-10-at-18-32-00-GESARA-news.png]
Dr Judy Wood


True is stranger than fiction

It all adds up, only thing is that the mastermind is an illuminati reptilean
US corporation

First defender of US Debts is the Federal reserve system
BIS Bank of International settlements claims an amt equal to 14,300Trillions
[Image: Screenshot-2022-09-10-at-01-31-22-North-...ce-pdf.png]

[Image: Screenshot-2022-09-10-at-01-24-57-Polyus...rubles.png]

[Image: Screenshot-2022-09-10-at-01-22-10-14-3-Q...-and-P.png]

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Observances planned for the 21st anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks
[Image: Screenshot-2022-09-11-at-22-56-20-9-11-R...nspira.png]

Russia presents Evidence
Reason for the attack
Nesara one year b4