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Full Version: >105k russia army died now, Ukraine to hit Moscow 普京准備逃離 where is Russia NUKES
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(12-09-2022, 06:24 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]I already said long ago, russia & putin will lose till pantless! reason is simple, russia weapons is too far behind US & NATO, totally no fight! same to china weapons, even worse than russia!
when Ukraine start to attack, russia army run like headless chicken, flee from all direction sibei fast!
ton russia army run road, ton surrender, ton killed, some said almost 53k died, some said 80k!
as for surrender some said 50k, seriously injured easily 130k!
game over for putin & russia in both military & economy!


If like Ah Kock claimed, then, ukaine army, should move until Moscow already. 

Then, why still in Ukraine?      

Really stupid post.

Ah Kock can only talk Kock song song. 

He can join those uncles in coffee shop.  

(22-09-2022, 08:18 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]why putin bark nukes & raise army? simple, he lost till pantless in Ukraine war, no more army!!
all these axis of evil threaten using nukes, NK, russia & china, invaders & attack, norm!
never give in to these evil as they will only ask for more if you give!! just do it once & for all!!

cannot understand all these comie dogs here support putin all the way even he wanted to nukes toe world & call up his people to fight the war in invasion of other country!!
all these dogs here & their brainless supporters support russia because of ccp, china & chinese, real insane dogs here!! cant even differentiate anything when come to china & chinese, just lick evil because of china & chinese, real brainless, all these comie dogs here!!
all these comie dogs here totally blind once related to ccp, china & chinese!!
all here know who are the comie dogs in this forum & their brainless supporters!

普京恫嚇使用核武 當街徵兵引發大逃亡

普京下令再征集30万炮灰! 2500万俄罗斯年轻人被禁止离开家乡! 俄罗斯爆发逃避兵役潮! 普京、绍伊古的弥天大谎!

when putin bark mobilization & nukes, russia & putin already lost the war totally!!!

when putin bark mobilization & nukes, you know game over for putin & russia is near!!
If he is in good time, he will not bark this way!! look at zelensky, how he motivate his army & people now, shout happily in UN this week to tell the world Ukraine is winning the war against evil russia!!!
putin is in super panic & desperate now, deserve it, just do it to this evil!!



(22-09-2022, 02:40 PM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]Ah Kock can only talk Kock song song. 

He can join those uncles in coffee shop.  


Sour grapes kokee 
Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL
(22-09-2022, 02:40 PM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]Ah Kock can only talk Kock song song. 

He can join those uncles in coffee shop.  


Sour grapes kokee 
Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL
insurgency in russia coming liao
all these moronic comie dogs here so proud of their master putin mobilize russia male to go for war!
good time for these dogs to show their loyalty to communism, send all their children to fight for russia & putin!! F off!
instead, ton of russian adult now broken their hands & legs or seriously injured themselves to avoid to go to war!! LOL LOL!
cant run, dont go, can only F themselves this way!! well done, let comie dogs here their family to go! hahaaa!!!!

普丁徵兵30萬 俄國爆離境潮."弄斷手方法"登熱搜

Russia: Panic, protests follow Putin's call for 'partial mobilization'

all these moronic comie liars, smlj also dare to lie now till no more base line!!
whole world know russia & putin kena corner till need to mobilize, no more army to fight yet all russians run road, broken their hands or legs to avoid to fight in Ukraine!!
whole world including russia brother country now all F care of russia, F off!!
russia almost lost everything now, waiting putin to die to end the war!!
all these real liars here!!

Zelensky's army is ready! The end of the invaders is coming!

Bankruptcy crisis in Russia! Citizens can't take it anymore!

all these moronic comie dogs here, referendum? my foot!! is just the joke of the world today!! Ukraine will take back all the lands eventually & attack inside russia lands once US agreed!!
russia govt dare to send their people to Ukraine now for referendum & face to be killed by Ukraine army? LOL LOL!
same to putin mobilization, almost all russian people try to run road!! global know well!! only all moronic comie dogs here bark lies & BS no stop 7/24!!


俄罗斯各地民众上街抗议普京征兵! 俄罗斯人疯狂逃亡


all these moronic comie dogs here, run road are russia army, not Ukraine people or army!!
all these real dogs!! want to lies from ass without supporting news or documents here 7/24 to con brainless here!

as above, no one F care of putin now, not even russian, all run road, who still F care of his mobilization!! except comie dogs here, still lick putin balls like insane dogs here!! LOL LOL!
those cant run break their own hands or legs to avoid! or just protest & riot on street & go to jail!! force criminal to war? criminal also F care putin now!! hahaaa!
all russian mail run to neighboring country now.

Mayhem in Russia! Russian people have taken action to stop Putin!


all the BS referendum by putin & russia to con the world using fake & lies, norm to RT & russia, also dictator & communism!!
If putin is confidence, he needs this referendum? my foot, panic & scared now!!
why all male in russia run road to avoid mobilized? simple, russia lost huge now & they dont want to sacrifice their life to useless putin! meaningless to die this way yet no more weapons & ammunition, fight shit!! send to die, that is all, no?



[Image: B49-E5-FF3-33-D9-4-C15-A6-BE-5-A375-B0-D9-D4-E.jpg]

[Image: A199161-D-DAB9-46-C6-BCAE-0-A62-C53-F7-E61.jpg]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies and know nuts

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one
al these moronic comie dogs here, everyday kaki lies kaki LP song here with all the BS & fake!!
russia already no army to fight, still war? russian are scared totally, no one want to go to Ukraine war!

bark whatever rubbish, Ukraine still have ton of weapons coming from all over the world including taiwan!!
whole world is behind Ukraine to slaughter evil russia!
putin is corner, now beg & no one F care now. Loser, who still bother, F off!!

Ukraine and Turkey have joined forces! Putin is running away from fear!

Putin is Begging! He has no strength left to stand!

this moronic comie dog till bark lies & BS non stop here about putin & russia!!
whole world know russia laready lost till pantless, all russia brother including china already abandon russia, F off, comie dogs here still licking russia? so these dogs here now fxxking china? very well!! LOL LOL!!
still got morons or russian F  care of this insane putin? why not he himself go to war? LOL LOL!

Putin is Begging! He has no strength left to stand!

There are No Soldiers Left to Fight in Russian Army! “2050” Russian Soldiers Dead!


(21-09-2022, 10:33 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 6-D65-BD95-01-F7-477-C-8-F90-D6-E7-AD89-EA19.jpg]

[Image: 6-F2-AEF05-CFAD-4-E44-B6-EB-A291-B2-FEB99-D.jpg]

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one hor 

Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL
(12-09-2022, 06:24 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]I already said long ago, russia & putin will lose till pantless! reason is simple, russia weapons is too far behind US & NATO, totally no fight! same to china weapons, even worse than russia!
when Ukraine start to attack, russia army run like headless chicken, flee from all direction sibei fast!
ton russia army run road, ton surrender, ton killed, some said almost 53k died, some said 80k!
as for surrender some said 50k, seriously injured easily 130k!
game over for putin & russia in both military & economy!


Ah Kock,  

Post a few fake news from Falungong won't change the facts.  

[Image: Kokee01.jpg]
all these moronic comie dogs here, last few weeks, Ukraine easily recover>10000 sqkm of lands, almost all russia army run road, reclaim all Ukraine back to 1991 land is just a matter of time as, russia army in crimea already started to flee like crazy dogs now!!
all these comie liars n]bark BS 7/24 here to con brainless here!!!
Ukraine army push in almost every 10-20km forward even with mobilization or nukes or whatever russia & putin shit!!

Sounds of Victory in the Capital! Russia Withdraws From Crimea!

俄羅斯軍隊將會出現投降潮  烏克蘭軍隊兩日推進10公里

(26-09-2022, 10:32 AM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]
Ah Kock,  

Post a few fake news from Falungong won't change the facts.  


Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL
as above, Ukraine will recover all their lands as stated in 1991, including crimea & ton more!
russia totally cant fight now, no army, weapons & ammunition!
even russia nukes, US already give warning to putin & russia, russia will be totally destroy if they dare to use nukes!!
china? F off & go & fly kites, only stir shit using mouth forever!! totally no action, only supply from behind like thief & rats!!

The Ukrainian Forces Killed “4050” Russian Invaders!

Putin has declared a state of emergency in Russia! The Russian army is missing i

(26-09-2022, 10:32 AM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]
Ah Kock,  

Post a few fake news from Falungong won't change the facts.  


Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL
this real moronic comie liars here, spam lies 7/24 from his ass like insane dogs here!
putin is the one will have to flee or already flee!!
Zelensky just came back from UN meeting, where is putin? fxxking in hiding & afraid of assassination!! whole russia is looking for him now!! all the people, parliament, ministers, real useless, bark then run to hide!!! LOL LOL!!

9.26【 普京習近平雙雙失去踪影?! 】傳普京躲藏避暗殺

Russian Parliament Has Demanded Putin's Resignation! Russia Is Collapsing Every Day

(26-09-2022, 10:32 AM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]
Ah Kock,  

Post a few fake news from Falungong won't change the facts.  


Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL
game over for russia & putin!
mobilization becoming unrest, russian are whacking those come & arrest them!!
almost all russia neighboring prepare to fight russia now when Ukraine take down russia!!

Kremlin Is In Crisis The Russian Military Is “Bleeding Out” In Ukraine!

Azerbaijan can Stop the Russian Army! The End of Putin has Come!

all these comie dogs lies till no more base line because got all these brainless supporters here!
87%? reality got 8.7%? my foot!!!
run into hiding now, why? so scared & panic!! whole russia want his life now!! mobilization? LOL LOL!
all these dogs here is real morons!!! such lies also must support!!
such inhuman dare not even walk into his people want 80%? F off!!! hahaaa!
easily 60-70% of russian today against putin!! ton run road & flee the country, easily in millions!!

Russian People Revolted Against Putin's Mobilization Decision!

Putin is fleeing the war! Russian people raised the flag of rebellion!

If this is true, dun run also cannot. Soldiers must bring everything including the sanitary napkin
俄軍逃跑速度天下第一........ ????

Yet managed to win territory the size of Portugal!

Amazing!  Clapping
after almost 10 months of Ukraine war, winner is so obvious now.
as I said, comie dogs here has never got any case or truth right eventually, all these comie liars in this forum, spam lies & BS in almost all their threads & posts here 7/24 in thousands to millions.
ton of brainless here cant see anything? all these morons here, ton.

搶地盤!俄恐爆發內戰;普京准備巨資 為逃離莫斯科做准備

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