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Full Version: Unknowingly consuming drugs overseas usually not an offence: Shanmugam
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[Image: Screenshot-2022-09-13-at-03-27-42-il-Donaldo-Trumpo.png]
Luckily he not speaking for Joseph Schooling

Upon arrival at Changi, uknowingly tested positive cannot be an offence
(13-09-2022, 03:45 AM)dynamite Wrote: [ -> ]Luckily he not speaking for Joseph Schooling

So, he is saying Schooling knowingly consumed drugs overseas becomes an offence 

When will Schooling and Lim to be charged
Flip flop like a roti Prata man
Actually it is difficult to control because sweets, cookies, drinks can contain cannabis overseas. Better open your mouth to ask before buying any food.
So if I unknowingly smoke cannabis in Sg, it is okay?
Shanmugam is saying he can do whatever he deems fit

to his own perspective without clear standards

This is called Law Minister

[Image: Jolovan-Wham-charged-BBC.png]
PAP 讲了算 offence or offence as they wish lor...pre ampt the prosecutors free the man! And the girl!
Laws are created by those in power to enhance and perpetuate their power.

They are the final interpreter of the laws they created.