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They will have a different trade settlement system.  

Iran joined in. So US sanctioned on Iran no effect now.  

Next will be BRICS and US will CFCM liao.  

Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl  
Ah Kock

US Taiwan Policy Act is nothing lah.  

No effect for China and Taiwan gains nothing but to give US more money to buy those lousy useless iron and copper.  

(16-09-2022, 12:11 PM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]Ah Kock

US Taiwan Policy Act is nothing lah.  

No effect for China and Taiwan gains nothing but to give US more money to buy those lousy useless iron and copper.  


Taiwan's corrupted government has been paying tons of money to bribe Assmerican politicians to gain favour.
Knights of Malta
[Image: Screenshot-2022-09-16-at-12-59-25-Vatica...source.png]
One of the main objectives of SCO is to get rid of USD. Rotfl
Bloombird not happy with India!
7 arsholes gang up

All kokee arsholes gang up liao

Shameless bankrupt slave kokee and stooge’s go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL


SCO Summit: Putin criticises the West for "economic selfishness"

Sep 16, 2022  Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that fundamental transformations have taken shape in the world and that they are irreversible. The leader made the remarks at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Summit in Uzbekistan. Mr Putin also slammed what he called the "economic selfishness" of the West at the gathering attended by China, Iran and several central Asian nations. He criticised the US and its allies for using sanctions to achieve political goals at the expense of the rising global challenges.

PM Modi meets Russian President Putin in Sakarmand, Uzbekistan (September 16, 2022)


【正常發揮PiMW上】習近平中亞行 步步叫板拜登! 習普會大罵美國 與上合會員國 擴大能源合作! @正常發揮 20220915完整版上
Europeans are taken to the cleaners thr. the Ukranian war
and using the US corporation Dola.
Putin offers a way out. trade in national currencies meaning nations' Bankings networks next to wat r currencies and money
[Image: Screenshot-2022-09-17-at-03-05-12-GESARA-news.png]

[Image: Screenshot-2022-09-17-at-03-04-47-GESARA-news.png]
Infection is via Resonancia
Cancer wor

[Image: Screenshot-2022-09-17-at-03-10-43-GESARA-news.png]
next wat causes HiveMind how they r connected meaning infected and diseased
think u r giving a lecture ur laptop internal speakers ruptured.
u take out ur small soundbar. without wires the sound diverted to it.
if the soundbar is resonancing like a tuning fork another will be 'infected'?
[Image: Screenshot-2022-09-17-at-03-33-07-THERE-...IATION.png]

Next is the word matter they use it without understanding
they touch a metalbox and say solid
they are just waves

Leaders of SCO member states sign Samarkand declaration

Leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states on Friday signed and released the main document of the summit — the Samarkand declaration of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO.

Noting that the world is facing multiple challenges and threats toward a new era of great change and development, the given declaration introduces various approaches to ensuring regional stability, sustainable economic development, strengthening of transport and communication ties, aiming to build a more representative, democratic and just multipolar international order.

The SCO countries proposed to respect each country's rights to choose their own political, economic and social development paths, and stressed that the principle of respecting each country's national sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, equality and mutual benefit, without interference on internal affairs or use of force is the base of sustainable development of international relations.

The member countries will continue strengthening the SCO's effort in maintaining peace and security, and deepen the relations between member countries through political and diplomatic means to tackle international and regional conflicts.

The SCO countries condemned terrorist acts worldwide and intend to eliminate conditions that could support terrorism, separatism and extremism.

SCO countries firmly oppose militarization in the fields of information and communication technology, and support the establishment of the regulation, principle and norm in this field under the country's act of responsibility.

Speaking on continued nuclear disarmament in the world, SCO countries, as state parties of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, will keep balancing and promoting all principles of the treaty, aiming to enhance cooperation on peaceful use of nuclear energy.

All member countries supported enhancement on legislative institutions' connections between countries to exchange experience in governance.

Member countries proposed to carry out regional economic cooperation in various fields and create conditions for trade and investment to achieve the free flow of commodity, capital, service and technology.

SCO countries also passed the resolution on establishing task forces of innovation, entrepreneurship, poverty reduction and traditional medicine.

The 22nd Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO also released a number of statements and documents on safeguarding global food security, international energy security, addressing climate change, and maintaining a secure, stable and diversified supply chain.
(15-09-2022, 07:36 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote: [ -> ]
SCO is Beggars summit 丐幫大會  Rotfl
[Image: 709be8e7b94d4a29b5ffcfb5fe1895d4-750.jpg]

上合組織大翻身 製霸美西方出擊 2022 0917
(17-09-2022, 03:55 PM)teaserteam Wrote: [ -> ]👂说没人睬他提早回国:

(17-09-2022, 09:41 AM)ROFLMAO Wrote: [ -> ]SCO is Beggars summit 丐幫大會  Rotfl

Grow up lah...!!! Childish...

天天硬事2444期——01 上合会议结束下一步将计划将西亚阿拉伯诸国纳入其中,中国的上合组织和美国的G7到底谁厉害 02 德国朔而茨表示绝不久居人下要让德军重新站立起来,美国的秩序正在瓦解

普習莫迪上合結義 歐洲凶兆波音慘了? 新聞大白話 20220917 (字幕版)



習紅色中亞突圍拜 英帝國末日普欽笑? 新聞大白話 20220917 (字幕版)
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