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Full Version: Parallels between the US and the Spanish empire
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Spain was a great empire in the 1500s to mid 1650s but due to various wrong policies it was overtaken by the Dutch and the British.

These are the mistakes Spain made:

1. Expensive overseas wars, esp. with France
2. Gold and silver from Americas led to internal negligence
3. Heavy taxation of the middle-class 
4. Expulsion of Muslims and Jews
5. Gold and silver from Americas led to soaring inflation

Looking at the US:

1. Expensive overseas wars
2. Printing of money, lots of it. Neglected their manufacturing for a long time
3. Taxation of middle-class is higher than that of the rich
4. Strong racism against the Blacks and Chinese
5. High inflation that cannot be controlled

Is the US doomed to go down?
The second one has repented and gives us 'what is infection?'

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