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Thomas marry Ada and divorce. They have a son call jason. Thomas remarry priscilla and they do not have kids.

When jason was a kid, thomas and ada always quarel. Thomas was a peasant when he marry ada. Later on thomas become a pmet and earned more money. Ada wanted thomas to give her more money but he did not. Thomas wanted ada to quit her job and stop going for folk dancing, be a housewife and teach jason to study because jason school results was bad. Ada did not want to.

Thomas and ada always quarel over this. They divorced when jason was 12 years old.

The 4 room hdb flat that they stay was worth about 300k at that time. Under divorce law, they should sell the hdb and each get 50% which is about 150k.

Thomas sell the hdb to ada for 50k which is the original purchase price, instead of selling the hdb and each get 150k, in order to get the custody of jason. Ada agree and give custody of jason to thomas.

Thomas remarry. His new wife is priscilla who is now the stepmother of jason.

Thomas did not trust jason. Thomas put cctv at home to monitor jason and put recording devices at his home phone to listen to what jason says. Thomas is afraid ada will tell jason to stay with thomas to wait to inherit his assets or that jason will commit crimes and than police will look for thomas as he is the father.

Thomas and priscilla everyday just ask jason to study hard, get good results, get a degree to earn alot of money than every month give them money.

When jason get good results, thomas and priscilla will keep quiet. When jason get bad results, thomas and priscilla will insult him by saying he is lazy and other ppl get good results because they are hardworking but they never tell you so you don't know that they are hardworking.

Thomas and priscilla never talk about other things with jason. Jason does not even know what is thomas working as and what education qualification does thomas have etc.
Thomas even tell jason that priscilla is a better mother than ada because priscilla ask jason to study hard and guide him in his studies which ada does not do. Jason couldn't stop laughing at how simple minded and childish thomas is.

Thomas could sense that jason does not like him but thomas don't understand why. Thomas continue to think its his ex wife Ada talk bad about him to make jason hate him.

Thomas tell jason that he get his custody is because he wants to get jason to study hard, get a degree and earn lots of money in future. After jason get his degree, thomas won't bother about him and he can go back to stay with his mother ada.

Jason only manage to get a handphone when he was 18 years old because in polytechnic, he needs a hp to contact his classmates to do group projects. Jason only start to know how to use the internet at 18 years old because he needs to use internet to search for information to do projects.

Thomas and priscilla will monitor his hp and ask him who message him, who call him etc. They also monitor which websites he goes to on the computer.

When jason was 18 years old, he moved back to stay with his mother Ada.

Thomas continues to insult jason even after jason moves back to stay with his mother. Eg when jason get bully in ns by his superiors, thomas will insult him by saying the problem is with jason and there is nothing wrong with his superiors. When jason starts working, jason always change jobs because of nasty manager and colleagues. Thomas will insult him by saying there is nothing wrong with his manager and colleagues and the problem is with jason.

Jason now hates thomas even more. Jason no longer talks to thomas. Jason now only meets thomas and his relatives once a year during cny to get ang bao money. If not, jason does not even want to waste time seeing his father as he has nothing to talk to thomas.

When thomas was 50+ years old, he got retrench from his pmet job. Thomas refuse to find a blue collar job and don't want to work, everyday just blame government for bringing in foreigners to make him unable to get a new pmet job.

Thomas than tell his relatives that jason is not filial as jason did not give him money when he start working.
Recently thomas had this conversation with jason on whatsapp.

Thomas: why you never learn from your cousins, to give money to your parents

Jason: is my cousins situation the same as me? I earn 2k plus a month. How much do my cousins earn?

Thomas: earn more give more. Earn less give less. Its the thought that counts. When i was in ns getting $110 a month i still give money to my parents.

Jason: you still don't understand. Does my cousins  have a father who constantly insult them by saying they deserve to get bully in ns, they are lazy and other ppl are very hardworking etc? Different situation how to compare. Why will a father who thinks so lowly of his son, still thinks that his son will be filial and treat his father good?

Thomas did not reply.

Jason thinks that thomas still don't understand. Today thomas is 67 years old but still as naive like a 6 year old boy.
Jason should focus on his own life, his own goals and plans. There is no need to dwell in the past and be entangled by others. Whether his parents were positive or negative towards him is not something he can control or change as all that has passed. Let go. What he can control is what he makes out of his life.

Live a life for himself, nobody owes anyone a living. Peace.
If his father is so bad he won't sell his share of the flat cheaply to get custody of his son.

Jason is stupid.
Legal matters, especially those involving divorce and custody, can be very sensitive and require careful consideration. Consulting with a legal separation attorney in Oceanside could provide valuable insight and guidance in navigating such situations. It's important to ensure that all parties involved are treated fairly and that the best interests of any children are prioritized.
Given the circumstances you've described, it's understandable that there may be feelings of frustration or resentment. However, it's crucial to approach these matters with a level head and seek professional advice to ensure that any legal actions taken are fair and just. A legal separation attorney Oceanside can help you understand your rights and options, as well as provide guidance on how to proceed in a way that is legally sound and in the best interests of all involved.