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Full Version: Biden says U.S. forces would defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion
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This is in the same vein of warning Putin not to use Tactical nukes against NATO
should they make the mistake of attacking Russia or Russians wherever they are.
follow the Ukraine model
Best chance to unification. Best reason.

Outside interference..
(19-09-2022, 09:59 AM)forum456 Wrote: [ -> ]

They are also "defending" Ukraine!  Rotfl
Does that improve avg American's quality of life, increase life expectancy, reduce hardship, social mistrust, hate-driven politics and inflation ?

Or Biden is trying to the usual hard sell for "democracy", human rights and "Freedom" to other countries?

[Image: woman_sleeping_on_a_park_bank.jpg]
comie dogs here like to bark lies & nonsense on anything regarding china & the west!
US per capita income is easily 10x or 1000% higher than china today!!! dogs here can BS whatever!!!
not only US, almost whole world will defend taiwan if china invades!!


Biden: US men & women will defend taiwan ...!!
Whitehouse: The president didnt really mean that

Biden: The pandemic is over!!
Whitehouse: The president didnt really mean that

Biden: Oops..I forgot my pills!!
Whitehouse: The president really meant that
it's quite embarrassing to hv an ah seow as president