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Sep 19, 2022  在今年俄乌冲突不断撕扯欧盟的背景下,全世界网友都预判欧盟今年会出不少“幺蛾子”。不过欧盟在“整活”层面,总能别出心裁,让我们不断见证“活久见”的新花样。

EU Threatens to Block $7.5 Billion in Funds to Hungary

Sep 19, 2022  The European Union has a little thorn in its flesh which is proving to be a nightmare for European Unity. The Eastern European country of Hungary has for long been ruled by right-wing leader Victor Orban, who tends to disagree with the EU be it on matters of immigration or sanctions on Russia.

Ever since the Russia-Ukraine War started, Hungary has been critical of sanctions against Russia and has instead chosen to swim against the tide and strengthen ties with Moscow. In fact, in August, Hungary decided to give a go-ahead to the construction of two nuclear reactors which will be built by Russia’s Rosatom. Now, the EU executive has also recommended blocking European Union funds to the tune of $7.5 billion to Hungary. Watch to know more.