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Full Version: Effectiveness of HIMARS in Ukraine war against Russians
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HIMARS are easily taken out by helicopters. The Russians are just too weak in the air.
Not really as there is not much progress in kherson region. › en-us › news › world › ukraine-troops-outnumbered-russia-s-8-times-in-counterattack › ar-AA11Jp4y
Ukraine troops 'outnumbered Russia's 8 times' in counterattack
7 days agoUkraine troops 'outnumbered Russia's 8 times' in counterattack. Ukrainian forces outnumbered Russian troops by eight times during the rapid Ukrainian counteroffensive in the northeastern ...

is the numbers Ukr is pouring into the north east.
With many foreign fighters from NATO and middle east countries.
Rus troops in Kharkiv region is too small to cope without terrain support,
Number of areas are taken without fight. Rus troops receiving orders to flee
to preserve strength.

while Rus lost almost all Kharkiv region, Ukr troops experience higher deaths than
Rus due to Rus aerial and rocket bombardment.
so that confirms this is another america's war
slap russian amdk in the face.. Rotfl