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Full Version: Henry Kissinger 王毅见基辛格:中美当务之急是管控台湾问题
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all these bloody comie liars here!
moronic wang yi in NY to see kissinger, beg him to help to normalize relationship between US & china!! kneel down!!
who still F care of this 90+ yrs old china licker now!! F off!!
all these dogs find all ways to reconcile but refuse to kneel down in front of the world! LOL LOL!!
scared now!! all these comie liars here!


(21-09-2022, 09:44 AM)alanis Wrote: [ -> ]

[Image: 6-D65-BD95-01-F7-477-C-8-F90-D6-E7-AD89-EA19.jpg]

[Image: 6-F2-AEF05-CFAD-4-E44-B6-EB-A291-B2-FEB99-D.jpg]

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one hor

天天硬事2459期——01 中国王毅在美国会见商界代表称中美合作5点方向非常明确,在祝贺基辛格即将百岁时强调三公报是中美基石不容动摇 02 美国空军高官警告中国不要轻举妄动不然重复俄国结果  Thinking Rotfl