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Full Version: A cornered West will want Russia to nuke Ukraine first
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..Things are not looking good for the West in Ukraine. Europe is on the edge of a winter abyss. Putin-induced inflation is untamable (the Fed admits it does not control supply!). The euphoria of the Kharkov fake "win" has petered out. Nato counteroffensives in Kherson keep getting defeated time & again. 

More trouble ahead. Russia is about to bite off large chunks of Ukraine. Russian forces will soon be rocket-boosted by a 300,000 strong well-paid contract soldiers. Thanks to the huge oil & gas cash windfall which they tried but failed to put a price cap on.

Weapons stock is depleting fast. Nato is itching to use tactical nukes to reset Russian gains. Putin alluded to this in his speech about the West's "Nuclear Blackmail" from Nato leaders' loose lips. 

But Nato cannot be seen to be the first one to cross the nuclear rubicon.
Europe is desperate.

Everyday also got big protests but their media don't report!
(22-09-2022, 03:10 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]when putin bark mobilization & nukes, russia & putin already lost the war totally!!!

when putin bark mobilization & nukes, you know game over for putin & russia is near!!
If he is in good time, he will not bark this way!! look at zelensky, how he motivate his army & people now, shout happily in UN this week to tell the world Ukraine is winning the war against evil russia!!!
putin is in super panic & desperate now, deserve it, just do it to this evil!!



all these moronic comie liars, smlj also dare to lie now till no more base line!!
whole world know russia & putin kena corner till need to mobilize, no more army to fight yet all russians run road, broken their hands or legs to avoid to fight in Ukraine!!
whole world including russia brother country now all F care of russia, F off!!
russia almost lost everything now, waiting putin to die to end the war!!
all these real liars here!!

Zelensky's army is ready! The end of the invaders is coming!

Bankruptcy crisis in Russia! Citizens can't take it anymore!

If Russia is to nuke, I hope the first shot lands in USA. Then the world will be at peace. Lol
Nato rely on Ukraine's electrified trains to ship supplies from the west to the east

Russia does not

Russia will hit Ukraine powergrid to freeze the Nato army. The 110k transformers are not easily replaceable.

Now that Shoigu has publicly revealed Nato leaders have taken over Kiev, they too will need warm blankets and candles in winter.
(23-09-2022, 09:46 AM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]If Russia is to nuke, I hope the first shot lands in USA. Then the world will be at peace. Lol
This wil be very serious that wil ignite WW3. Europe and China wil be dragged-in too. Not forgetting UN is under US control.
Never push Putin to the corner. 
Europe, US know that. 
Don't even try.
Nukes are used as weapon of last resort because crossing the nuclear treshold is opening the pandoras box

When the genie is out of the bottle, impossible to put it back in. Thus the nuclear bar is set very high.

They then invented tactical nukes as a way to lower the bar and conventionalise tactical nuclear weapons limited to destroying troops in the battlefield, as opposed to strategic nuclear weapons that destroy entire cities.

As far as I know, no tactical nukes has ever been used in battle. Officially that is. But some claim that the US army used it in the fierce battle of Baghdad Airport in 2003 when the 81st Cavalry was about to be defeated by Iraqi Fedayeen forces making their last stand.

Russia's announcement to inject 300,000 troops removes the conditions for Russia to use nukes. But these troops will only be ready in 3 months time.

3 months is a long time, enough to create the conditions forcing Russia to use nukes

What are the conditions?

#1 Nato use / impending use of tactical nukes on Russian positions

#2 Nato amassing a HUGE force that will overrun Russian defences on land/ sea

#3 Impending destruction to a Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plant causing widespread radioactive fallout

Of all, #3 is the lowest hanging forbidden fruit
We are UNDERESTIMATING the very real possibility of a nuclear conflict as the 2 big powers Nato & Russia face off

The biggest concern is that not enough people up there are concerned about it

Gone were the days when leaders will sue for peace
(23-09-2022, 09:46 AM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]If Russia is to nuke, I hope the first shot lands in USA. Then the world will be at peace. Lol
More people up there need to start talking about what will happen if there is a nuclear detonation in East Europe as winter approach

We have not heard them calling for peace. You have leaders like Liv Truss ramping up more money to fuel the war

The same Liv Truss who urged British youths to break British laws and fight in Ukraine. Many did & never returned. The lucky ones were too shell-shocked for life.

The German Scholz is cowered in fear of speaking up. Lame duck Marcon is just hopeless.
(23-09-2022, 11:15 AM)icarus Wrote: [ -> ]We are UNDERESTIMATING the very real possibility of a nuclear conflict as the 2 big powers Nato & Russia face off

The biggest concern is that not enough people up there are concerned about it

Gone were the days when leaders will sue for peace

The Cold War led to the creation many nuclear weapons 

But the level of trust between the leaders also eventually led to the destruction of many nuclear weapons 

These days, you have leaders like Biden who sleepwalks on stage throwing endless money to fuel more war

[Image: JFK-Khrushchev-Handshake-1961.jpg]
The M.A.D doctrine is still valid today, even without the Cold War.

I came across an 6 years old article written by a UK professor in European & Russian politics... about sleepwalking into a nuclear war between West and Russia...The 1st country the author mentioned is "Ukraine". The piece is like he came from the future to warn us ...

Published in May 2016
The endless prolongation of sanctions and a rhetoric of violence and scapegoating creates an atmosphere where a small incident could easily spiral out of control. It is the responsibility of our generation to ensure that it never happens.

[Image: image-20160524-25239-mdfoh1.jpg?ixlib=rb...crop&dpr=1]
(23-09-2022, 09:35 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]all these moronic comie liars, smlj also dare to lie now till no more base line!!
whole world know russia & putin kena corner till need to mobilize, no more army to fight yet all russians run road, broken their hands or legs to avoid to fight in Ukraine!!
whole world including russia brother country now all F care of russia, F off!!
russia almost lost everything now, waiting putin to die to end the war!!
all these real liars here!!

Zelensky's army is ready! The end of the invaders is coming!

Bankruptcy crisis in Russia! Citizens can't take it anymore!

as above, no one F care of putin now, not even russian, all run road, who still F care of his mobilization!! except comie dogs here, still lick putin balls like insane dogs here!! LOL LOL!
those cant run break their own hands or legs to avoid! or just protest & riot on street & go to jail!! force criminal to war? criminal also F care putin now!! hahaaa!
all russian mail run to neighboring country now.

Mayhem in Russia! Russian people have taken action to stop Putin!


This will not be the first or last time this planet witness nuclear destruction. It has happened before and will happen again. Humans love repeating their history over and over again...
(23-09-2022, 11:46 AM)icarus Wrote: [ -> ]More people up there need to start talking about what will happen if there is a nuclear detonation in East Europe as winter approach

We have not heard them calling for peace. You have leaders like Liv Truss ramping up more money to fuel the war

The same Liv Truss who urged British youths to break British laws and fight in Ukraine. Many did & never returned. The lucky ones were too shell-shocked for life.

The German Scholz is cowered in fear of speaking up. Lame duck Marcon is just hopeless.

These so call civilised developed nations and all they did to ease the tension was to send in more weaponry to fuel the war in Ukraine. The only country that kept asking everyone to go back to negotiation was China. I think most countries just needed someone to start a great war to reset their economy...
(23-09-2022, 01:49 PM)Manthink Wrote: [ -> ]The M.A.D doctrine is still valid today, even without the Cold War.

I came across an 6 years old article written by a UK professor in European & Russian politics... about sleepwalking into a nuclear war between West and Russia...The 1st country the author mentioned is "Ukraine". The piece is like he came from the future to warn us ...

Published in May 2016
The endless prolongation of sanctions and a rhetoric of violence and scapegoating creates an atmosphere where a small incident could easily spiral out of control. It is the responsibility of our generation to ensure that it never happens.

Excellent read

These parts prophesied the events happening today. Europe is not only reneging on its commitments to the Minsk Peace Agreement it sponsored, it is also fueling the bloodshed 

[Image: Screenshot-20220923-160728.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-20220923-160855.jpg]
(23-09-2022, 02:07 PM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]These so call civilised developed nations and all they did to ease the tension was to send in more weaponry to fuel the war in Ukraine. The only country that kept asking everyone to go back to negotiation was China. I think most countries just needed someone to start a great war to reset their economy...

These leaders are either compromised, bought or blackmailed 

We'll not underestimate the role of blackmail in world politics
(23-09-2022, 02:07 PM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]These so call civilised developed nations and all they did to ease the tension was to send in more weaponry to fuel the war in Ukraine. The only country that kept asking everyone to go back to negotiation was China. I think most countries just needed someone to start a great war to reset their economy...
One can invent rubbish logic all day and post here this thread.

Why is the west "cornered" instead of russia?
Russia exports 90% of its gas to Europe....and its war time economy is broke and it needs the money.

Sure....Europe will have an unpleasant cold winter without Russian gas. But Russia will lose everything by the end of winter.

Yes people can keep twisting and debating...but remember the beginning of the war Russia had a massive convoy wanting to take Kiev ....what happened?

Anyway let's see.
(24-09-2022, 01:12 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]One can invent rubbish logic all  day and post here this thread.

Why is the west "cornered" instead of russia?
Russia exports 90% of its gas to Europe....and its war time economy is broke and it needs the money.

Sure....Europe will have an unpleasant cold winter without Russian gas. But Russia will lose everything by the end of winter.

Yes people can keep twisting and debating...but remember the beginning of the war Russia had a massive convoy wanting to take Kiev  ....what happened?

Anyway let's see.

Listen carefully now. The West is cornered in Ukraine because it has run out of options. Sanctions failed to deter Russia's military operations. Attempts to curtail Russian oil & gas revenue backfired on Europe. Attempts to crash Ruble instead strengthened it. Attempts to choke Russian economy failed to induce a regime change. Billions worth of weapons supply failed to stop 4 Ukrainian territories from falling into Russian hands like Crimea. 

What other options does the West have to get out of the situation it has boxed itself in without losing a great deal of prestige among the free world, and billions in investment? 

The convoy was a Russian tactic to keep Ukrainian troops distracted in Kiev while other Russian forces attack Mariupol. And it worked. How do I know? The results speak for itself.