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Full Version: The U.S. is Scared of Russia’s Nuclear Powered 9M730 Burevestnik Missiles
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[Image: A4-B2-FECA-3-AC7-4231-9-DCA-BBE689-D38-EC3.png]
This missile can fly all around the world finding targets without time limit as it doesn’t use fuel, it can carry nuke heads.
It is plain crazy.
Russia has many many kinds of weapons
even in conventional war like facing NATO tanks
they r dropped from the air and positioned on the battlefield.
they operate automatically
I watch too much until forget
If you shoot it down it will become a nuclear disaster.
This will freeze the europeans i hope.
[Image: Screenshot-2022-09-24-at-00-17-23-Bit-Ch...atform.png]
If the USA and the world ask Ukraine to surrender, the war will end immediately.
[Image: 438-CE7-A4-6935-4890-AD33-B515-CE918-A3-B.jpg]

[Image: E5-E46-B5-B-4-FBC-4397-A3-E9-D1-F2-B2-F1-DBAB.png]
Nuclear use in any counturies will be end of the world
(24-09-2022, 02:09 PM)mikotan Wrote: [ -> ]If the USA and the world ask Ukraine to surrender, the war will end immediately.

It will not happen knowing the U.S. has given so many weapons to Ukraine for a long war against Putin to weaken Russia.
(24-09-2022, 02:11 PM)FangFang Wrote: [ -> ]Nuclear use in any counturies will be end of the world

Nuclear powered missile, meaning it can continuously fly around the world for months even years until it find the target.
The sad fact we are at WW3.
ahQua already run out of ammo.
Russia facing NATO direct.
Don't try a fast one if u want to live.
nuclear war cannot be stop

it is already predicted in the book

it will come has to come and is coming