SG Talk

Full Version: Without rate hike, impact of Japan's yen intervention likely limited
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In the early years of 1985 Japan was the only one who played too close to the sun.
Our Insurance RE actuarists are praying now that Excess deaths normalised
This is dangerous stuff they detect excess deaths and not reporting.
Insurance and Banking go together just think of the Quadtrillions in derivatives
Have you heard the expression' matters will go NUTs'
Japan weakness in Yen is mainly due to central banker dare not raise rate.
Raise rate and market intervene are the temporary solutions to stabilise Yen.

The permanent solution is the economy itself must be still growing strongly.

Now who still buying Japan Junk bonds which offer negligible bond rate.
apart from Blackholes
we have the 4 sisters of
London Vatican city Washington DC and many not know CERN we leave this
Cash already being restricted
Just up the rates by 50 basis points and Japan engine restarts ..
They don't call Japoni blackhole for fun.
Japan all the way from 1985 just manage to stay at or minus plus at ZERO
Failure means DEFLATION
putting it simply so many can understand below ZERO Debt burdens increase
beri hard work constant tradings
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-06-20-19-15-07.png]
noone can stay sane for long
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-22-17-50-28.png]
(27-09-2022, 08:03 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote: [ -> ]Japan weakness in Yen is mainly due to central banker dare not raise rate.
Raise rate and market intervene are the temporary solutions to stabilise Yen.

The permanent solution is the economy itself must be still growing strongly.

Now who still buying Japan Junk bonds which offer negligible bond rate.

After 20 yrs of stagflation, they should value the little bit of growth they r getting today
[Image: AVv-Xs-Eg-U-s-GSh5-1j-Bkm0b-Cx-Td-DB4mr-...Uqn-Qh.png]