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Full Version: Smart glove that translates sign languages into Chinese, English wins tech contest
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Osmond Chia
PUBLISHED SEP 28, 2022, 10:59 AM SGT

SINGAPORE - A smart glove that instantly translates multiple sign languages into English or Chinese text is being developed in Singapore, potentially enabling deaf people to communicate without needing an interpreter.

The glove tracks the hand movement of sign language users with sensors that run along the four fingers and thumb, before interpreting the words in text via an app paired via Bluetooth.


Titled See Your Voice, the project was the winning pitch at 2022's Huawei Tech4City Finals on Tuesday, beating 140 other teams of students in the inaugural competition that challenges students to use technology to tackle local issues.

Mr Gong He, 22, who is the business lead in the team of four, said they wanted to use technology to assist deaf people to communicate with others after the team learned about the daily struggles faced by some deaf friends.


Mr Gong, who just completed a Master in Business Analytics at the National University of Singapore, said: "We may easily neglect our deaf friends in our community... We realised that there was a need by the deaf community to be understood and thought we could contribute with technology."

The passion project started in 2020 among Mr Gong, NUS data science and machine learning student Sun Shizhuo, 23, NUS mechanical engineering student Huang Yunqi, 24, and computer science PhD student Xu Xuanqi, 22, from Peking University.


Mr Huang said the glove is expected to be rolled out to some deaf communities here by the end of the year.