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Full Version: S'pore F1 race nights: Hotel 81 S$288
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Late night chicken and early morning BF included?
Really FOOking F1

everywhere is so damm crowded

save the earth BS
(29-09-2022, 01:11 PM)wendychan Wrote: [ -> ]Really FOOking F1

everywhere is so damm  crowded

save the earth BS

They want to tax commoners for using plastic bags, a necessary evil, but dis type speed the cars round a circuit pollute the air, the quiet and inconvenience the populace at large is beri desirable. How much money does it rake in. If no remember wrongly it has been a loss making venture every year.
(29-09-2022, 01:42 PM)luncheonmeat Wrote: [ -> ]They want to tax commoners for using plastic bags, a necessary evil, but dis type speed the cars round a circuit pollute the air, the quiet and inconvenience the populace at large is beri desirable. How much money does it rake in. If no remember wrongly it has been a loss making venture every year.

If I can recall Govt never openly declare how much losses or even profit.

Mainstream just always like to say F&B , retail business good due to F1

if I remember Actually so far We in losses stage F1 .

FYI is still depend the F1 fans how many will fly come SG beside " some locals go "

Next year Las Vegas also in the slot , for Night race.

If you are F1 Fans choose between SG or Las Vegas for Night race? which you will go ? Obviously Las Vegas offer more entertainment than SG itself.