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Full Version: Brazil election 2022: live results
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If an anti-West candidate wins, tomorrow headlines will be something like this

"Far right ____ sweeps over Brazil"
Lula wins, good for China… Rotfl

Say Bye Bye to Trump Junior…
Lula got better chance to win, but not really because of his closer ties with AT land but because traditionally leftist in Brazils tend to have more supporters one. Sad
(03-10-2022, 03:27 PM)Soulhacker Wrote: [ -> ]Lula got better chance to win, but not really because of his closer ties with AT land but because traditionally leftist in Brazils tend to have more supporters one. Sad

Yanghua will win, what do you think, oyk?
(03-10-2022, 03:40 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]Yanghua will win, what do you think, oyk?

Not sure what this yanghua did to you before to cause so much trauma and paranoid until you start mistaking moi to be yanghua just because of using slangs like 'ish'? Sad
(03-10-2022, 04:27 PM)Soulhacker Wrote: [ -> ]Not sure what this yanghua did to you before to cause so much trauma and paranoid until you start mistaking moi to be yanghua just because of using slangs like 'ish'? Sad

How come you know Yanghua if you are not Yanghua? Stop using a dozen of clones fool to around, very childish leh. Laughter-144
(03-10-2022, 04:30 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]How come you know Yanghua if you are not Yanghua? Stop using a dozen of clones fool to around, very childish leh. Laughter-144

I only know this yanghua nick because you keep accusing people of being yanghua. Anyway I will put you on Ignore so not to cause more harm to you and hope you do the same since you are so bothered by yanghua. After all nothing constructive will come out of this since you are so dead set that moi ish whoever you are claiming  Rolleyes
Warning: Yanghua has multiple clones, here are some of his clones:
