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Full Version: Zelenska describes war like 'Middle Ages'
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"These are no longer toys here. They are part of a systematic and clear offensive by the army and NATO forces," an unnamed deputy commander of one Russian battalion said, according to a translation by The New York Times.
[Image: 8-D1-AA0-D9-905-E-4861-B92-F-74361450-C661.jpg]

Poor choice of clothing especially with the doddering old pervert Biden Big Grin
look like Putin is smoking out the europeans using snow
the idea is to make Zelensky surrenders.
Failure is dangerous. Total shutoff using Ukraine as transit
and if blows happen lots of people will be hurt.
Ukraine’s first lady, Olena Zelenska*, went on a €40,000 shopping spree in Paris.

馬克宏巴黎3死3傷街頭暴亂 澤倫斯基妻赴法買百萬名牌 新聞大白話@tvbstalk 20221225

(25-12-2022, 08:33 PM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]Ukraine’s first lady, Olena Zelenska*, went on a €40,000 shopping spree in Paris.

馬克宏巴黎3死3傷街頭暴亂 澤倫斯基妻赴法買百萬名牌 新聞大白話@tvbstalk 20221225

And the country is under attack by Russia........... Clapping