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Full Version: HDB to incur $270m loss on Central Weave@AMK BTO where units sell for up to $900,000
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This kind of news many stupid people will believe. That's how PAP got their 60%.
HDB should give all BTO for Free so it could earn $b.

Sell $900k for a tiny Flat sure lose $ wan.

All businesses should also sell their products below cost price to made $b! Learn from HDB.
one unit a lot ballot ,

each give 10 bucks go count how much HDB got it.
the selling price already high also

the " actual cost to build a BTO flat those insider know how much "
HDB buy land from SLA
ST News- $250 million is in development loss and another $20 million is in CPF grants for eligible buyers.

Heng arh. I am as stupid as 61%.

1) If pay land cost to SLA
Just left hand in and right hand out
No real loss!

2) Building material lose
But it is base on agreed cost on the contract before building
Inflation is not factored in
Where got loss?

3) CPF Grant disburse is loss
Then COV must be profit, lah

4) Sale price of HDB maybe at 25% profit
Grants disburse maybe 15%
Still earn 10%
No loss

Desmond is really LJ talk.
(04-10-2022, 07:37 PM)SgWinner Wrote: [ -> ]HDB buy land from SLA
Buy high sell high

After MOP can sell million 
Thanks to PAP
HDB should release cost per unit information.
It's left pocket and right pocket accounting. SLA sells land to HDB at a high price and HDB books a loss on seeling the flats but the land is almost FOC for SLA in the first place.
Nkf was also making a loss until u see the accounting… the discount given off the market rate is count as market loss even though there’s a healthy margin…

I think that’s how hdb count their “loss” also..
For hdb, if nearby resale sell for 900k n they sold u new launch at 600k.. that’s 300k of loss…
really 0 shame on this. if loss don sell la. say until like they make damn big sacrifice for singaore like that
(04-10-2022, 08:03 PM)starbugs Wrote: [ -> ]It's left pocket and right pocket accounting. SLA sells land to HDB at a high price and HDB books a loss on seeling the flats but the land is almost FOC for SLA in the first place.

you are absolutely right. In the early days they acquired so many lands at dirt cheap price. so even just acquired in the interst of public used
(04-10-2022, 07:51 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]HDB should release cost per unit information.

One 5rm cost max $50k only lah!
Sell $900k is lost of $850k lor. It's call monkey accounting. Rotfl
How much does the sand, cement, wood and metal costs?
(04-10-2022, 08:43 PM)Notdumb Wrote: [ -> ]One 5rm cost max $50k only lah!
Sell $900k is lost of $850k lor. It's call monkey accounting. Rotfl

5-6yrs ago, a HDB contractor told my fren a 4-rm HDB cost 40K SGD. Laughing Clapping
(04-10-2022, 08:43 PM)Notdumb Wrote: [ -> ]One 5rm cost max $50k only lah!
Sell $900k is lost of $850k lor. It's call monkey accounting. Rotfl

today i learnthis new phrase:
more powerful than 
engineered accounting
(04-10-2022, 08:50 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]5-6yrs ago, a HDB contractor told my fren a 4-rm HDB cost 40K SGD.  Laughing  Clapping

even 200% increase on matl n wages is only 120k
900k is >22x
(04-10-2022, 08:55 PM)talky Wrote: [ -> ]even 200% increase on matl n wages is only 120k
900k is >22x

That is why i said.... this HDB/Govt is the real speculator of properties !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone else are just co-actors of this scheme.
The Minister for National Development was answering a question from Mr Leong Mun Wai, Progress Singapore Party’s Non-Constituency Member of Parliament, about the land cost for the project in Ang Mo Kio and the Government's overall net profit and loss position in relation to it.

In his response, Mr Lee said that the land cost for the project is about S$500 million.

HDB claims to have lost around 250Mil after paying right pocket SLA 500Mil.
So how much did HDB really lose or gained? you don't have to be a mathematician to figure this out.

Gov is toooo greedy lah.
(04-10-2022, 07:51 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]HDB should release cost per unit information.
Will WP bring up your concern to parliament?
NEA lose money building more hawker centres

LTA lose money building more roads

Nparks lose money building more parks

PA lose money building more CCs

MOE lose money building more schools

PUB lose money build more drains
The G should give away a BTO 3-room for every married Sinkees with the first child. This will encourage sinkees to get married and have children. More children, the bigger the free BTO flat

Then the population will increase drastically
Still got fools will believe meh? Thinking

HDB flat is no longer affordable.

Left pocket to Right pocket lah…
So funny. Lost $ then dont enbloc!
People selling their HDB 1mil + then garment see liao eyes red, simi lj cooling measures chut.
Then ownself sell 800k 900k bolei, seriously I dont think AMK really that so called central to command such a pricing.