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Full Version: Why a prospering China frightens the West?
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Actually The caucasians are only anti-CCP and only don't want to see china becoming superpower only but the caucasians generally don't hate the common china people.

A more tragic and more unfortunate thing is there are are some singapore-born singaporean-chinese and some malaysia-born malaysian-chinese that have very severe racial discrimination and hatred against the China-chinese and they very deeply hates the china-chinese.

Whenever these malaysian-chinese PRC-haters and singaporean-chinese PRC-haters see other races or other nationalities persecuting China-chinese, these malaysian-chinese PRC-haters and singaporean-chinese PRC-haters will join in to attack the China-chinese.

And whenever singaporean-chinese encountered racist-assaults attacks from other nationalities, example when got 1 singapore-born chinese that got assaulted by caucasians in England(he already said he is singapore-born singaporean but the causasians still assault him), many crazy singaporean-chinese PRC-haters netizens crazily posted our anger and hatred must be directed at Chinaman.

There are many other nationalities they dislike chinese race people including chinese race people born in Southeastasian countries and is not they only dislike PRCs as what these singaporean-chinese PRC-haters wrongly think.

Another example, in edmw and sgtalk forum, got many disgraceful sinkie-born chinese crazy dogs and malaysian-chinese jiu hu kias crazy dogs(example, these scum dogs luncheonmeat, forum456, alleggsinonebasket, dishonestdog, laffingape, wixxx, zoossh, tripleg, etc etc) support using the insulting racist slur cheena to refer to China-chinese
I am Retard!

(11-02-2022, 11:18 PM)guffaw Wrote: [ -> ]
I am Retard!

.F-uck you dead!

you are a racist feces-skin chao ah neh crazy retarded total loser crude retarded f-ucking scum mad dog!

you this racist dog eat feces for your every meal!

you this coprohagia crazy scum racist dog go die now!

Diu lei lou mou!

you hum kar chan

F-uck you dead!

you are a crazy retarded scum dickless bozo potty peabrain brainless f-ucking retarded clown mad dog!

Last night my house's big Alsatian dog f-ucked your prostitute whore mother and also f-ucked all your prostitute whore female family members until all their intestines spilled out from their holes and they all died from their injuries!

And you licked my anushole and you ate my feces!

you go die now!

you this crazy retarded scum total loser mad dog and all your whole family will all die very horribly in road accidents very soon!

you and your whole family are all dead now!
(11-02-2022, 11:18 PM)guffaw Wrote: [ -> ]                 

I pity your parents for giving birth to a moron!
(12-02-2022, 09:39 AM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]I pity your parents for giving birth to a moron!

I pity your parents for giving birth to a comfort man.
A propserous China meant a prosperous Russia and Central Asia up to Europe, esp Germany.

All hegemony needs to control Eurasia. If USA out of pic, America will become slums.
(12-02-2022, 08:01 AM)ROFLMAO Wrote: [ -> ]打飛機愛國!年度重點神劇《縱橫芯海》「劇中」中國晶片「超英趕美碾壓台積電」  Rotfl

scared of china? who said? china itself, commie dogs bark& spamsuch BS day & night here & everywhere.
all these insane morons, need to bark all these everyday? why? because they cant make it. china win any nobel price? invent or innovate any modern technology? not all is steal & copy cat?
scared of thembecause they are lawless, no moral & humanity, threaten the world like to attack taiwan, they are hooligan use force, shameless to no bottomline & ton more.
like their master, commie dogs here use lies, they can counter & beat anyone anything in their wet & fat dream using words but not in reality. same as all the commie dogs in this forum, spam fake & BS communist nonsense here day & night to brainwash brainless here.
china? india is good enough?




Kokee getting how much money from CIA?
(12-02-2022, 05:33 PM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]Kokee getting how much money from CIA?

You are the best comfort man for ah Xi and pudding. Pity your parents for giving birth you a scum traitor of singapore like you.
I am Retard!