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Full Version: That mad dog idiotic juvenile portaly is finally banned
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Next will be this vindictive childish smelly VictorTan

Says thanks to the forum Administrator for handcuffing this moron and throwing him into the dungeon

I know he has a few nicks

So bring them on so we can ban them all

Come one, ban one, come all, ban all

Keep making new nicks, get busy will ya clown

[Image: fbAnU4j.png]
VictorTan clown, you are NOT my match, it needs all your clones to come out so we can clean this forum nicely
I thought you said Admin dare not ban you?

What happened ah?

(16-10-2022, 04:55 PM)truths8 Wrote: [ -> ]YOU ARE A VERY STUPID RETARDED CRAZY MAD DOG!

That portaly nick is only banned for a very short 1 month!

And I still have more than 15 different nicks in this forum and I will continue to torture you this crazy total loser retarded stupid scum faggot dog!


So poor thing, one month leh, and portaly is your first and original nick

And you boasted Admin dare not ban you

So what happened, you stopped licking Admin's balls?
(16-10-2022, 05:02 PM)truths8 Wrote: [ -> ]you are dead wrong!

portaly is only registered in 3rd quarter of 2021 hence portaly is not my first nick in this forum!

you licked my balls and you licked my anushole and you ate my feces!

you this traitor crazy retarded faggot scuum traitor retarded dog go die now!

and any are you soooooooooooooooooo ashamed of your country of birth malaysia?!
Oh yes, it is your first and original nick that lost to me last year and disappeared after you realized you cant private message me 

How stewpig can you be, you think my inbox is for you to spew rubbish in it, is it? Clown!
(16-10-2022, 05:10 PM)truths8 Wrote: [ -> ]Admin already permanently banned your original jiu hu sai Dishonestdog nick whereas my portaly nick will be back on 16th november 2022! 

I already won you! you lost!

you are dead wrong!

portaly is only registered in 3rd quarter of 2021 hence portaly is not my first nick in this forum!

portaly is my fifth nick in this forum!

you licked my balls and you licked my anushole and you ate my feces!

you this traitor crazy retarded faggot scuum traitor retarded dog go die now!

and why are you soooooooooooooooooo ashamed of your country of birth malaysia?!

you this mad retarded dog and all your whole family will all die very horribly in road accidents very soon!
IAM the hero who sent this stewpig DishonestDog to the bottom of B.R., you ignorant imbecilic punk!!
(16-10-2022, 05:20 PM)truths8 Wrote: [ -> ]you are an imbecile stupid crazy balless coward traitor dishonest scum dog!

Admin already permanently banned your original jiu hu sai Dishonestdog nick whereas my portaly nick will be back on 16th november 2022!

I already won you! you lost!

you are dead wrong!

portaly is only registered in 3rd quarter of 2021 hence portaly is not my first nick in this forum!

portaly is my fifth nick in this forum!

you licked my balls and you licked my anushole and you ate my feces!

you this traitor crazy retarded faggot scuum traitor retarded dog go die now!

and why are you soooooooooooooooooo ashamed of your country of birth malaysia?!

you this mad retarded dog and all your whole family will all die very horribly in road accidents very soon!
You purposely trying to sabotage China and CCP by your cbai behavour here, really a piece of sheet

No wonder every CCP supporter ín this forum distance themselves from you

You're a demarketing CCP sabateur
(16-10-2022, 06:57 PM)truths8 Wrote: [ -> ]you are a crazy retarded total loser CBAI piece of feces scum dog!

you are a malaysia-born jiu hu sai scum dog that is paid 5 cents every post to stir shit in this singaporean forum!

your original jiu hu sai nick Dishonestdog had already been permanently banned in this forum!

you go die now!

you this crazy retarded total loser scum mad dog and all your whole family will all die very horribly in road accidents very soon!

Wah, CCP saboteur, no wonder so many enemies here and always get kanned and  banned
(17-10-2022, 12:26 AM)alerts Wrote: [ -> ]Diam lah, you this malaysian jiu hu scum dog!

everyone knows you are dishonestdog and you suffers from mental illness!
Yawn, stop repeating everything i said abt u, moron, boring
(17-10-2022, 12:31 AM)truths8 Wrote: [ -> ].
Listen punk imbecile total loser Sentinel clown dog aka jiu hu sai Dishonestdog,

you are born with no anushole and no backside!

you shit through your mouth hence your mouth is soooooooo smelly!

Limpeh know you are very very sad and suicidal ever since your Dishonestdog nick is permanently banned!

you this jiu hu sai Dishonestdog has soooooooooooooooo many enemies in this forum, proves you are sooooooo hated by all in this forum!

Just now my house bog alsatian dog f-ucked your anushole and fucked your mouth until you fainted!

you are a scum crazy balless coward impotent stewpig retarded dog!

you this scum dog go die now!

you this crazy total loser scum dog and all your whole family will all die very horribly in road accidents very soon!

Yawn, stop repeating everything i said abt u, moron, boring
Yawn, stop repeating everything i said abt u, moron, boring
Yawn, stop repeating everything i said abt u, moron, boring
(17-10-2022, 01:07 AM)truths8 Wrote: [ -> ].
Yawn, stop repeating everything i said abt you, moron, boring!

and you this stewpig retarded dog go die now!

(17-10-2022, 03:21 AM)truths8 Wrote: [ -> ]Eggplant
So , Sentinel is the real faggot who complained to admin to get people banned after losing argument ..  Rotfl
(17-10-2022, 03:48 AM)ROFLMAO Wrote: [ -> ]So , Sentinel is the real faggot who complained to admin to get people banned after losing argument ..  Rotfl
You will be next

(16-10-2022, 11:23 AM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]Next will be this vindictive childish smelly VictorTan

Says thanks to the forum Administrator for handcuffing this moron and throwing him into the dungeon

I know he has a few nicks

So bring them on so we can ban them all

Come one, ban one, come all, ban all

Keep making new nicks, get busy will ya clown


u should be ban, you are a big bully here.

OK, i will ban myself. as long as u ban yourself.
(16-10-2022, 11:23 AM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]Next will be this vindictive childish smelly VictorTan

Says thanks to the forum Administrator for handcuffing this moron and throwing him into the dungeon

I know he has a few nicks

So bring them on so we can ban them all

Come one, ban one, come all, ban all

Keep making new nicks, get busy will ya clown


Nonsense, i am victor tan, and one only, u can check with admin, i am a holy man here,

I am not a pig like you or anyone that call n curse other and invlove their father and mother,

I am a holy man,LOL

U are a great sinner and internet bully here.

Admin ban this pig from here, this place for good guy not for pig and bully,
(17-10-2022, 04:35 AM)victortan Wrote: [ -> ]Nonsense, i am victor tan, and one only, u can check with admin, i am a holy man here,

I am not a pig like you or anyone that call n curse other and invlove their father and mother,

I am a holy man,LOL

U are a great sinner and internet bully here.

Admin ban this pig from here, this place for good guy not for pig and bully,
For an idiot plp like you with a smelly mouth to side TCJ cardboard pickers as exercise, is a great sin to humanity and a hypocrite

Just for that, Karma will punish you jialat jialat

IAM the Cosmic Karma Deliverer and you are on my karmic list
(17-10-2022, 04:29 AM)victortan Wrote: [ -> ]u should be ban, you are a big bully here.

OK, i will ban myself. as long as u ban yourself.

I cannot be banned, get this into ur mud brain, fool

For an idiot plp like you with a smelly mouth to side TCJ cardboard pickers as exercise, is a great sin to humanity and a hypocrite

Just for that, Karma will punish you jialat jialat

IAM the Cosmic Karma Deliverer and you are on my karmic list
(17-10-2022, 03:52 AM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]I am a faggot who cried to admin to get people banned


(17-10-2022, 05:46 AM)ROFLMAO Wrote: [ -> ]Rotfl
How's your wife doing? Wait, let me check with my dog

(17-10-2022, 05:56 AM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]My wife very happy with My dog says he is almost done with my daughter


(29-09-2022, 04:48 AM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]My wife very happy with My dog says he is almost done with my daughter
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