SG Talk

Full Version: Consumption of insects like crickets, beetles may soon be approved in S'pore
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sotong agenda continues
Next time if there's no chicken from Malaysia, govt will tell you to eat cockroach? Big Grin
Next time cannot complain about cockroaches or other crawlers in your food. Lol

Singaporeans are really so used to getting it in the ass. I think all countries welcome Singapore migrants cos who doesn't loves sheep? Dumb, daft slaughter house protein dudes... Lol
more healthful than youtiao, hamburger and bread lah.

in fact most hv been eating protein powder made from them without knowing it
LGBTQ cum is next
grasshopper is nice... always eat in thailand when i go..of course not in bangkok..
(16-10-2022, 11:16 PM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]grasshopper is nice... always eat in thailand when i go..of course not in bangkok..

in bangkok or bent cockĀ 

eat bent cock is nice

[Image: 167px-Bent_Penis_caused_by_Peyronie%27s_...0505055540]
the best is those 1 inch grasshopper...too big one a bit er packet last time only 50B i think
Which PAP plp going to demonstrate how to eat first?
Now going on in Australia
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[Image: Screenshot-2022-10-17-at-07-18-49-Hidden...-Sight.png]

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Next stop, ckt with cockroaches Big Grin
[Image: Screenshot-2022-10-17-at-07-34-15-Bit-Ch...atform.png]
He better hurry
he might find himself hanging on a tauGay tree
[Image: Screenshot-2022-10-17-at-07-39-21-Bit-Ch...atform.png]
He looks SAD
we r closing in.
Singapore is back to the 50s with urban farming, having food delivered like old fashioned ways of our grandparents and now, eating insects like WWII.
saw CNA our abang kechil houses now under water
singlon beri sad.