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Protection efforts make Tibet a paradise for wildlife, human




蔡政府說怕大陸開放會來台搶藥? 大陸超市藥局湧現搶購潮?|寒國人
(11-12-2022, 07:15 PM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]Then, why all those heads of states in G20 wants to talk to Xi instead of Biden or other countries?  

Why German Chancellor Sholtz insisted his visit to China despite Biden instructed him to drop the plan of visit.  

These are simple facts.  

My take why so many heads of state wants to talk to Pre. Xi, is that China is a country who can help to countries to build infrastructures at a low cost, and quickly....... Laughing nudie Gesti-109
(15-12-2022, 06:54 PM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]My take why so many heads of state wants to talk to Pre. Xi, is that China is a country who can help to countries to build infrastructures at a low cost, and quickly....... Laughing nudie Gesti-109

You said it. 

You make very objective observation and comment to the precise points.  

Unlike one flg who keeps posting fake news and comments totally out of contexts. 

Most people here know who I talk about. 



(15-12-2022, 07:02 PM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]You said it. 

You make very objective observation and comment to the precise points.  

Unlike one flg who keeps posting fake news and comments totally out of contexts. 

Most people here know who I talk about. 


There is more than one person........? Laughing Laughter-68


Blinken says supporting Ukraine equals supporting Taiwan Strait peace
[Image: MbDePMxt03r85cff2K_JljHnh6XcVklXgs0URsbJ...1600-nd-v1]


【張雅婷辣晚報】出手了! 高虹安第一槍開挖"新竹大秘寶" 隔天就遭約談 @CtiNews 精華版

北京重点行业企业全面复工 企业“愿复尽复、无需审批”


  新京报讯 据北京发布公众号消息,12月18日下午,北京市人民政府新闻办公室组织北京新冠肺炎疫情防控工作领导小组复工复产防控组开展疫情防控网络新闻发布,重点通报北京市全力推动企业复工复产,实现“应开尽开”相关工作情况。

烏克蘭公開展示香港黑暴旗幟將台灣列為國家!烏克蘭的行為打了中國國內所有親烏派的臉!烏克蘭從來就不尊重中國台灣問題主權 支持網友在烏克蘭國防部推特留言頓涅茨克 盧甘斯克共和國國旗
Kokokee missing for days. 重阳还是回沈阳老乡过新年?
(17-12-2022, 11:48 PM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ][Image: MbDePMxt03r85cff2K_JljHnh6XcVklXgs0URsbJ...1600-nd-v1]


Chairman Mao really has the foresight.

He predicted what USA would do decades ago.

Great man.

Aiya 制造病毒还不够,还制造假药。如果有上帝,就把它们给灭了吧

帶大家來上海迪士尼看小姐姐 大陸真的禁維尼嗎?|寒國人


当地时间2月15日,美国之音广播电台在官网上宣布了其前中文部主任、67岁的厄尼·托里耶罗(Ernie Torriero)的死讯。据悉,他因感染新冠肺炎,医治无效死亡,死前已经注射了全套疫苗。他曾在2017年至2020年间,担任“美国之音”中文部主任。



What Shanghai is like during Chrismas *a vlog* / Shanghai China/LillyMagadla


殲20夜間飛過海峽中心 國防部沒發現?! 美艦過航台海解放軍全程跟監 蔡正元:開戰變"肉靶子" @Global_Vision

2023.01.12 黃智賢夜問 919集 從澳洲“王立強案”看清台獨為了掌權可以多沒有底線 台當局加劇與美日勾聯 用“和平”綁架中國大陸(嘉賓:蔡正元)


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