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Full Version: Chinese premier Li Keqiang confirms he will step down next March
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Mr Li, 66, told reporters at the National People’s Congress (NPC) in Beijing. “This year is also the last year in my premiership.”

Mr Li made the disclosure at his annual news conference on Friday (March 11) in response to a question about the accomplishments of his decade as China’s No. 2 official.

While Mr Xi is expected to stay on for a precedent-breaking third-term as leader after removing presidential term limits in 2018, authorities have yet to comment publicly on his plans.
Li Keqiang: China’s No 2 ousted from party leadership as Xi Jinping tightens grip on power
A dictator will get rid of all the good men and replace them with yes man.

The nature won't change.

China now spend more on internal security than defense. Alot of money is spent on monitoring citizens and suppressing them when they bring up issues.
(23-10-2022, 09:17 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]A dictator will get rid of all the good men and replace them with yes man.

The nature won't change.

China now spend more on internal security than defense. Alot of money is spent on monitoring citizens and suppressing them when they bring up issues.
Sounds so familiar. We need not to look into elsewhere
He once said: "After graduating from high school, (I) did not go to university, but went to the countryside to become a farmer and support myself."

Li Keqiang was the first batch of Peking University law students after China resumed the college entrance examination in 1977, and was a former leader of the Peking University Student Union. After graduating in 1982, he stayed at the school as the secretary of the Youth League Committee and was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Communist Youth League Central Committee.

In his spare time, he has successively completed his master's and doctoral studies in economics at Peking University, and his doctoral dissertation "On the Triadic Structure of my country's Economy" won the thesis award of the Sun Yefang Economic Science Award, the highest award in the economics circle in mainland China.

"This year is the last year of this government and my last year as prime minister," Li Keqiang said at the "two sessions" press conference in March this year. In the past ten years, China's GDP has grown at an average annual rate of 6.6%, and its average contribution to world economic growth has reached 38.6%. In 2021, China's economic aggregate will exceed 114 trillion yuan, accounting for more than 18% of the world economy. In March next year, he is expected to wave his sleeves and fade out of politics.
(23-10-2022, 09:17 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]A dictator will get rid of all the good men and replace them with yes man.

The nature won't change.

China now spend more on internal security than defense. Alot of money is spent on monitoring citizens and suppressing them when they bring up issues.

Another ‘XI’ Huang Ti who believes he will live forever
Sekali next year kenna stroke
Can’t believe so fat, and eating good food, don’t have high cholesterol and hear diseases