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Full Version: Rishi Sunak could be forced out in six months, says Labour
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Give UK's latest 3rd PM within 3 months a chance lah. He is not even 6 hours into the No.10  job and people already predicting doom and gloom.

God save the King !...Charles is gonna need it. Big Grin
A white also can't last, can a black take the onslaught, given the huge white population. 

Ganbare. 頑張れ
This so called south Asian Ang mo ask them go back building more toilets then talk ba….  Laughing

Only our gov seee them soooo uP … puiii agh puiiii 

Big Grin
maybe he'll set another new record of less than 45 days
And can still boast openly that he was once the PM of UK??
can try sg here, can be PM here. pap love ceca.
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