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Full Version: Teenager on life support for over 2 months after knee pain worsens
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Clara Chong

SINGAPORE - His knee pain suddenly became worse and he began to experience chest pain. Mr Dante Lin’s oxygen levels were low and his heart was weak, and the 18-year-old was not responding to any treatment.

Doctors at the National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) told his mother, Mrs Amy Lin, 41, that he was on the verge of cardiovascular collapse and death.

But they offered a lifeline – to put him on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (Ecmo) life support.


That saved her son’s life.

Ecmo is a life-saving machine that takes over the function of the heart and lungs. It is a highly specialised and complex form of life support and is used on the most critically ill patients when no other treatment works.

It is also very resource-intensive and requires an experienced team of medical experts, including specially trained nurses, perfusionists, cardiac surgeons and intensive care unit physicians.

For 62 days, Mr Lin was hooked onto the Ecmo machine.


After spending a total of 98 days at the Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit (CTICU) in NUHCS, Mr Lin was discharged on Sept 26 to tears and applause from the medical team.

Doctors subsequently found out that the knee pain, which began after the family returned from Malaysia in mid-June, was triggered by bacteria – a staphylococcus aureus (also known as “golden staph”) infection. The bacteria entered Mr Lin’s bloodstream and quickly spread to his lungs.


The bill came to a staggering $490,000, Mrs Lin revealed, but they did not have to fork out a single cent from their pocket. Various government subsidies, insurance and MediSave helped them pay the bill.

Much more in the full report at::