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Full Version: Miss Korea contestants criticized for excessive plastic surgery, "Virtual AI humans"
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"The second place and third place winners look the same," "I guess all three of them have the same doctor," "I didn't know they still held this," and "They look like those virtual AI humans."

[Image: 1666989023-untitled-1.jpg]
(29-10-2022, 10:52 AM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]"The second place and third place winners look the same," "I guess all three of them have the same doctor," "I didn't know they still held this," and "They look like those virtual AI humans."

Your link salah Laughing
all look similar
Its more a plastic surgeon skill contest.

Heard in Korea there is no shopping without one or more plastic surgeon.
all 3 hv prominent rosemah's nose
No lah. They don't look similar at all. Maybe they have plastic surgery but they don't look similar at all. 2nd place and 3rd place look more similar than 1st place but one can see that they are quite different.
Korean girls enjoy giving blowjobs but not Chinese girls
Their mouths and cheeks look quite similar. The center and left 's chins looks similar too. Only their eyes area not the same, probably because difficult to change the features there.
(29-10-2022, 11:46 AM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]Korean girls enjoy giving blowjobs but not Chinese girls
Of course la - because their mouths and tongues made from plastic!  Rotfl
their noses all look similar. either used the same mould, or there's nothing much to be different
(29-10-2022, 11:46 AM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]Korean girls enjoy giving blowjobs but not Chinese girls
Must get a gal that blows and swallow every time lah.