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(29-09-2021, 07:31 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote: [ -> ]羊人从来都不知道有岳飞文天祥花木兰这种精忠报国威武不屈的历史故事

[Image: Su-Wu-Mu-Yang-01.png]
china let off many canadian criminals to trade her home
(30-09-2021, 12:53 PM)singaporean1964 Wrote: [ -> ]china let off many canadian criminals to trade her home

Those two are spies. No point keeping them and feeding them in China.
(30-09-2021, 12:57 PM)alanis Wrote: [ -> ]Those two are spies. No point keeping them and feeding them in China.

You forgotten to mentioned that these two spies was put on bail which the Canadian embassy has paid them. Otherwise they won’t get released. 

On the other hand Ms Meng was not place on bail I think. So there is a difference.
White trash Canadian have to worry their fellow white trash Canadian to be hung. lol
[Image: 9-E1-D041-E-376-A-4-DAE-A262-31-D788-ABC0-B0.jpg]
never give in, never give up. 让世人见证了中华精神
Likely all those white trash in Canada are still blur blur for what they had "fighted" for, and why they have to be punished.  lol

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