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Full Version: What is Admin Vijay, mod Intrinion and mod Ottoke from Hardwarezone doing here.
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What is Admin Vijay, mod Intrinion and mod Ottoke from Hardwarezone doing here. They create an account here for what sia. To spy others or to sabotage.
even got LOSER STALKERS lurking here see my post LOL
which thread that ABNN CECA snake show up ??
pls provide source leh


(29-10-2022, 04:03 PM)limpeh394 Wrote: [ -> ]which thread that ABNN CECA snake show up ??
pls provide source leh

Someone already providing the source
(29-10-2022, 04:16 PM)LupCheong Wrote: [ -> ]Someone already providing the source

same name may not be the same Vijay, maybe fake


(29-10-2022, 04:18 PM)limpeh394 Wrote: [ -> ]same name may not be the same Vijay, maybe fake

This i not sure Liao
must gpgt like me then can confirm is real
I think all these new IDs are fakes and probably just clones of a clone master.
Dunno whether the nicks are real or fake. But it’s a fact that Intrinion, Cranthir and Ottoke spy this forum and Sammyboy as well
(29-10-2022, 03:43 PM)LupCheong Wrote: [ -> ]What is Admin Vijay, mod Intrinion and mod Ottoke from Hardwarezone doing here. They create an account here for what sia. To spy others or to sabotage.

maybe they kena banned from HWZ also ? Laughing


(29-10-2022, 05:40 PM)Napoleon Porlumpar Wrote: [ -> ]maybe they kena banned from HWZ also ? Laughing
😂😂 😂
(29-10-2022, 05:40 PM)Napoleon Porlumpar Wrote: [ -> ]maybe they kena banned from HWZ also ? Laughing

Got saying is 自己自彼 百战百胜 so hwz mod must come competitor forum to scout see scout see. They worry wait competitor grow too big and then makan them instead. This is a shrewd strategy.


(29-10-2022, 05:54 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]Got saying is 自己自彼 百战百胜 so hwz mod must come competitor forum to scout see scout see. They worry wait competitor grow too big and then makan them instead. This is a shrewd strategy.

Totally agree with you
(29-10-2022, 06:06 PM)LupCheong Wrote: [ -> ]Totally agree with you

So to tackle these kind of ppl from competitive forum mod we need to be careful monitor their every move and see once they shake their tail we nail them tight tight see how they twist and turn. Best is to search and drag them out and 游街示众 let ppl throw rotten eggs and chase them back to where they hail from


(29-10-2022, 06:10 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]So to tackle these kind of ppl from competitive forum mod we need to be careful monitor their every move and see once they shake their tail we nail them tight tight see how they twist and turn. Best is to search and drag them out and 游街示众 let ppl throw rotten eggs and chase them back to where they hail from

Well said
(29-10-2022, 05:08 PM)IndianChief Wrote: [ -> ]Dunno whether the nicks are real or fake. But it’s a fact that Intrinion, Cranthir and Ottoke spy this forum and Sammyboy as well

Might be 
1. They very eng and hwz is getting boring to them 
2. They being pay by their white master
(29-10-2022, 05:08 PM)IndianChief Wrote: [ -> ]Dunno whether the nicks are real or fake. But it’s a fact that Intrinion, Cranthir and Ottoke spy this forum and Sammyboy as well

Why do you say it's a fact, if we can't prove those nicks belong to them.
(29-10-2022, 06:34 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]Why do you say it's a fact, if we can't prove those nicks belong to them.

you don't need an account to browse the forum.

remember quite awhile back, Intrinion was once mentioning that people were making uncouth remarks about him in other filthy forums (his words)
(29-10-2022, 06:53 PM)IndianChief Wrote: [ -> ]you don't need an account to browse the forum

Yes unless they are trying hard to mislead us with posting
(29-10-2022, 06:26 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]Might be 
1. They very eng and hwz is getting boring to them 
2. They being pay by their white master

I am curious why you know their master is white? I only know "umbrage" is a bombastic word coming out from the mouth of a "respected scholar" who come from former NOL sold to angmo company who turn profits within months but before that lose monies like running water?
(29-10-2022, 06:55 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]I am curious why you know their master is white? I only know "umbrage" is a bombastic word coming out from the mouth of a "respected scholar" who come from former NOL sold to angmo company who turn profits within months but before that lose monies like running water?

What do you think? If not political motivated why would they do it?
That kum gong ottoke is here meh? He dun have a life and everything involves in online virtual life?


(29-10-2022, 08:29 PM)sogo Wrote: [ -> ]That kum gong ottoke is here meh? He dun have a life and everything involves in online virtual life?

He here. You can go search his username
(29-10-2022, 08:29 PM)sogo Wrote: [ -> ]That kum gong ottoke is here meh? He dun have a life and everything involves in online virtual life?

He become keesiao cause Jayley kanna pregnant and marrying


And that Ottoke humji create account Liao don't dare to post maybe scare us scold
(29-10-2022, 08:40 PM)IndianChief Wrote: [ -> ]He become keesiao cause Jayley kanna pregnant and marrying

Ottoke jelly he cannot pump full tank inside?


(29-10-2022, 09:27 PM)sogo Wrote: [ -> ]Ottoke jelly he cannot pump full tank inside?

Few years ago I criticism jayley immediately kena ntuc points.
(29-10-2022, 09:32 PM)LupCheong Wrote: [ -> ]Few years ago I criticism jayley immediately kena ntuc points.

Wow....he very tiko
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