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Full Version: Dr Leong Hoe Nam warns against taking booster jabs too often
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Dr Leong Hoe Nam from Rophi Clinic at Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre is of the view that vaccine boosters should be used whenever it can reduce deaths or serious illnesses.

He finds the decision to give boosters to seniors aged 60 and above “a rather rough tool”.

Although he recognises that a booster will help a diabetic suffering from kidney failure, it is “unlikely to really benefit” a 69-year-old man with no history of chronic illnesses.

In the meantime, he warns against taking booster jabs too often because the body may treat the vaccine as "self", learn to tolerate it and then not respond to fight the virus.

“That would be the greatest disaster. The body’s immune system would then ‘welcome’ the real infection with no resistance,” he said.

Similarly, Dr Paul Tambyah, president of the Asia Pacific Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infection, does not see booster shots as necessary for the entire population for now, because there are still many unknowns such as how long protection from a booster shot would last

He pointed out that an Israeli study published in the New England Journal of Medicine looked only at the first 12 days after the third shot and it showed that the third dose was around 90 per cent effective against both severe disease and any confirmed infection.

“I think that there are other options such as studying a longer interval between doses or a mix-and-match approach, and these were studied in the UK and South Korea,” he said.

“We need to see the data before making broad decisions. For now, I think focusing on the immunocompromised is reasonable.”
Still toking when you need to detox.
The task is not easy.
The blood is a closed system.
Only way is across the walls of the veins by hydrostasis pressure,
The toxins must be put into the insterstitial fluids outside the veins.
What cannot go thr. the toxicity will be crstallised. This u can witness
by watching Gout patient  terrible inflammatory pains.
And whatever u deploy for ex. u can control inflammations, yes u will feel better but u still got the debris and the clot to settle. Just imagine blood cells in single file going thr. clotting vessels. STROKE.
We got with our pants down.
80% of our people.
I been indirect force to take .....

So far just went for first jab, later 2nd jab.
That it, I will not go for boaster shot, in the first place, Gov set the rules already indirectly forcing people to jab....
Getting serious
Now concerning US RED BUTTON
Let others take the booster shot first.

See whether anybody fall critically ill after the shot. Then decide.
correct , especially mrna. mrna no dummy for the antibodies to attack. Unless you can control it? Can anyone?
Third dose or booster shot. The former is more for old people. Need to take the right one.

The actual booster shots will likely not be delivered here so soon. There is no word about it.
Why flip prata? That day just said "Booster shot is like sniper, can aim better"
Can also take the 3rd dose inactivated vaccine.
(18-09-2021, 07:31 PM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]Third dose or booster shot. The former is more for old people. Need to take the right one.

The actual booster shots will likely not be delivered here so soon. There is no word about it.

I saw MOH used  the word booster dose in their SMS  inviting  those eligible for appointment .... Rolleyes
Elderly are known to have much fewer antibodies, to force it may not work,

As for those with underlying illness, it may depends as well.
spike may cause those with heart or high pressure issues.

Sg should invite a few developing nasal methods to trial, it likely to be safer.

But PM vision may want more to join him.
(18-09-2021, 07:31 PM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]Third dose or booster shot. The former is more for old people. Need to take the right one.

The actual booster shots will likely not be delivered here so soon. There is no word about it.

The 3rd shot or booster shot is mainly for old people.  But when can we expect to get the 3rd dose...?
(18-09-2021, 08:21 PM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]The 3rd shot or booster shot is mainly for old people.  But when can we expect to get the 3rd dose...?
I remember when young, our booster is years apart and also 2nd shot also a few years apart. I think the covid vaccine is jabbed too fast.
(18-09-2021, 08:23 PM)winbig Wrote: [ -> ]I remember when young, our booster is years apart and also 2nd shot also a few years apart. I think the covid vaccine is jabbed too fast.

How can the covid vaccine is jabbed too fast.  Even with so many old people being vaccinated, we still got some oldies who are infected.
I'm not taking booster jab. I had my 2 doesed of Pfizer already. I have enough of mRNA vaccine.

I have signed up with Raffles to take Sinopharm Nov 2021. From then onwards only inactivated virus vaccine for me
Fauci said some scientists seem to believe "it is OK" for vaccinated people to get infected as long as they experience only mild or moderate symptoms and don't end up in the hospital. But he said, "As a clinical person who sees a lot of patients, that isn't OK," adding that even mild infections can result in missed work, disruptions of family life and potential cases of long covid, with its debilitating effects.
Third dose (same vaccine): Old people to get the vaccine right

Booster shot (new vaccine): It covers Delta variant. There is a debate in US over the side effects on the booster shot.

Can switch to inactivated vaccine and also Cansino(if it is approved by WHO).
These r all drugs ...potentially toxic with side effects ....they have to thread with care.

No scientist in the world can vouch for a safe effective vaccine..

It's all trial n error..
Wow, so take and no take also same.
(19-09-2021, 08:06 AM)FangFang Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, so take and no take also same.

It is take like no take......... Rolleyes