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Full Version: One of my American Client post this Politics Post what it means
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Was doing some research, The PA legislature both houses are republican controlled. The pa senator is republican also, In fact everything but the Governor is republican controlled.
Now here is what the governor cannot do - raise taxes- stop fracking- restrict drilling- lower taxes- in fact other than emergency powers which are rare he can only veto.
So logic says. why would you vote for the people already in charge who have actually been in charge for years if change over what is now is your goal?
The Republicans have been in control of the pa senate and house since 2011 and controlled the governorship till 2016.
It's interesting how so many blame the Govenor for things he has no power to do, Yet ignore the republican legislature who are the ones doing it .
He has only ever done 3 vetos so everything else happening in PA GOV has been republicans since 2011.
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Your American client happy can Liao