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Full Version: Case of man who had 'consensual' sex with girl, 11, leads to change in French law
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Henry Samuel
Wed, 2 November 2022 at 2:52 am

A 33-year-old man stood trial on Tuesday accused of raping an 11-year girl in a landmark case that prompted France to change its legislation over consent regarding sex with minors.

The accused ...... admitted to having sex with the secondary school pupil in 2017 in Montmagny in the Paris area after meeting her in a public garden, but argued that it was consensual.

Outrage over the claims sparked intense public debate and prompted a change in the law last year making sex with anyone under 15 non-consensual by default and thus rape. However, because criminal law is not retroactive, this case will be tried under earlier legislation, meaning the court could decide sex was consensual.

The man faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.

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This case quite tricky from the legal and moral point of view

Especially the social framework and structure have been diluted and disintegrated in our modern times

Evident in France, as is evident in Singapore too