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Full Version: 20多秒变两分多钟 宏茂桥居民申诉分段式过道等太久
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20多秒变两分多钟 宏茂桥居民申诉分段式过道等太久
Two minutes also want complain


Thank you for sharing the news article
This one got a lot of komplain because it link the MRT with a densely HDB area so usually big crwod people traveling between home\work\school will frequently need to cross this stretch of road.

Last time got the bridge definitely faster and more convenience for able bodied people to cross over mah some more the bridge ish got shelter type so regardless hot sun or rain or not just cross can liao beside no need wait for green light. Nao no more shelter and have to wait 2 times as the design ish let you cross to middle of the road first then wait for other side to turn green before you can cross again. Not just less convenient and take longer time to reach the station\home definitely many will komplain mah.

This replacement traffic light also cause more people to jaywalk instead, those driving daily along that stretch of road do notice signification increase of people trying to dash across so nao must pay more attention liao. Sad