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Full Version: Do you know anyone sleep at 7:30pm?
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and wake up 4:30am or even 3:30am.
Of course there are....especially hawkers
A classmate of mine sleeps about 9 to 9.30 health conscious. 
Goodness  ...
(03-11-2022, 06:29 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]and wake up 4:30am or even 3:30am.

This forum all rich retirees so dun have lah. Try HWZ where there are many kids working shifts that will sleep at odd hours. .... Big Grin
(03-11-2022, 06:40 PM)hansamu Wrote: [ -> ]Of course there are....especially hawkers

Maybe if their operation hours is from 6am to 2pm close shop, wash up , prepare the next day stuffs etc.

also do other misc matters by 7:30 go sleep , 4:30 am wake up , reach stall maybe around 5am or so just and ready to open.

IF they are operating themselve.

But I preferring non hawkers Smile
(03-11-2022, 06:50 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe if their operation hours is from 6am to 2pm close shop, wash up , prepare the next day stuffs etc.

also do other misc matters by 7:30 go sleep , 4:30 am wake up , reach stall maybe around 5am or so just and ready to open.

IF they are operating themselve.

But I preferring non hawkers Smile
How come you don't seems to sleep at night? Saw you still posting at 2.00 AM. ..... Big Grin
(03-11-2022, 06:56 PM)Huliwang Wrote: [ -> ]How come you don't seems to sleep at night? Saw you still posting at 2.00 AM. ..... Big Grin

reply some email to clients rah at Ang mo side as they want instant reply.

I also see how the market go something even I never play stock Smile just want to update myself how the market now.
(03-11-2022, 06:56 PM)Huliwang Wrote: [ -> ]How come you don't seems to sleep at night? Saw you still posting at 2.00 AM. ..... Big Grin

2am is very early  Big Grin
(03-11-2022, 07:05 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]2am is very early  Big Grin
Ya, that's early morning. ..... Big Grin
(03-11-2022, 07:07 PM)Huliwang Wrote: [ -> ]Ya, that's early morning. ..... Big Grin

Ang mo side is Afternoon liao rah.