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Full Version: Staying in Malaysia to save on rent: Exchange students return to NUS
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(03-11-2022, 06:52 PM)forum456 Wrote: [ -> ]

Thank you for sharing the news article


All these Malaysia people they happy can Liao
Let the students setup tents in campus
How long do these exchange students stay here?
I've seen some posting online looking for rooms for short term, I think about 2 months.
HDB owners can't rent to them, and I think even condo and landed also can't rent to them if the lease is less than 6 months /3months respectively
(03-11-2022, 07:14 PM)Ahnya Wrote: [ -> ]How long do these exchange students stay here?
I've seen some posting online looking for rooms for short term, I think about 2 months.
HDB owners can't rent to them, and I think even condo and landed also can't rent to them if the lease is less than 6 months /3months respectively

"maybe a lot secretly rent out " HDB Brag they caught around 300 + owners rent out their HDB flat illegally. Claim got spot check blah blah. I feel just unlucky ones been caught , still got alot out there continue secretly renting out.