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Ex-CIA head Pompeo served with lawsuit over alleged Assange spying

Former US secretary of state and ex-head of the CIA Mike Pompeo has been formally served with a lawsuit which claims he provided oversight for a criminal conspiracy to violate Fourth Amendment rights of American lawyers and journalists inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

Pompeo is one of the defendants in the case, which also names the CIA, security firm UC Global and UC Global director David R. Morales Guillen. They are accused of spying on WikiLeaks publisher and founder Julian Assange and his visitors while he took refuge in the embassy.

A statement from the Assange Defence Committee said the suit was served on the former CIA head as he was posing for photographs at the John Ashbrook Memorial Dinner in Ohio on 29 October.

The plaintiffs, who include renowned civil rights activist and human rights attorney Margaret Ratner Kunstler, attorney Deborah Hrbek and journalists Charles Glass and John Goetz, visited Assange while he was in the embassy.