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Full Version: Big fright to US: China submarine float up near US aircraft carrier
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Big fright to US: China submarine float up near US aircraft carrier   

US aircraft carrier got a big surprise and fright. US radar totally failed to detect.  

If torpedoes were fired, US aircraft carrier could have been sunk.  

Why US so useless?   Laughing 

[Image: Submarine01.png]

(39) 逼近仅8米!雷达毫无反应!中国核潜艇一头撞上美航母,舰长当场吓尿一动不动,随军记者曝光原因!国人沸腾 - YouTube  
One torpedo cost about the price of a HDB flat.  

But an aircraft carrier cost about US$ 10 billion + 5,000 navy personnel would have been food for the shark.  

That is a good deal for China.   

US technology so high meh?   

Useless radar should be improved.  

Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl   
No lah … Taobao delivery lah
(03-11-2022, 10:37 PM)Tangsen Wrote: [ -> ]No lah … Taobao delivery lah

yeah loh

pizza hut out source delivery to  
taobao food delivery

which submarine SOOO STUPID surfaced to make themselves vulnerable and get fire upon

submarine is most vulnerable when they surfaced

that why US nuclear submarine stay submerge all the time
(03-11-2022, 10:39 PM)grotesqueness Wrote: [ -> ]yeah loh

pizza hut out source delivery to  
taobao food delivery

which submarine SOOO STUPID surfaced to make themselves vulnerable and get fire upon

submarine is most vulnerable when they surfaced

that why US nuclear submarine stay submerge all the time

Little Syonanese boy used to talking cock? lol