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Full Version: 'Politically Significant Persons' must report single donations of S$10,000 or more
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Jason Fan |  September 18, 2021, 08:34 PM

Earlier this week, on Sep. 13, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) introduced a new bill known as the Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Bill.

The bill is aimed at countering deliberate, hostile campaigns of misinformation by foreign countries in Singapore's domestic policies, and endows the Home Affairs Minister with powers to investigate and counter hostile information campaigns.


Another key feature of the bill is the introduction of "Politically Significant Persons", or PSPs, who will be will be subject to certain measures to mitigate the risk of foreign interference.

These include:
  • Political parties
  • Political office holders
  • Members of Parliament (MPs), including Non-Constituency MPs and Nominated MPs
  • Leader of the House
  • Leader of the Opposition
  • Election candidates, and their election agents


Defined PSPs have to comply with the following restrictions:
  • Report single donations of S$10,000 or more from permissible donors, and multiple donations from the same permissible donor that amount to S$10,000 or more in any calendar year.
  • Not allowed to receive anonymous donations beyond the cap of S$5,000 during the relevant period or in any calendar year.
  • Maintain a separate bank account to receive political donations, so that here are proper records of monies relating to their political activities.
  • No foreigners will be allowed to volunteer for their political activities.
  • To disclose affiliations with any foreign entity.
they can donate to the wife and the wife donates to the politician.

the donation from wife is not foreign.
So this Bill can stop people from making big donations to those kena sued and needed to pay damage like Terry?....... Thinking