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Full Version: Why Does Elon Musk Dislike Indian Staff So Much?
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my Idol as usual Smile
Let's just say.  

They really good at over promise under deliver

How can Elon musk so fast manage to filter out who to fire who not to 

The jiak liao bee-ness must be damn obvious until one look you know he/not doing S but earning such high salary 

If a company everyone have deep strong contribution to the company. To fire half of it will be so hard as there will be so many implications if the person no more in the coy 

So ya.... They eat snake eat until 太过分 liao... Elon Musk this kind of work work work type of boss. He sure buay tahan
He has high regards to the Chinese workers in China. 
But much worry about those in US. 
He is very practical.
He know all about curry cobra theories.
Elon doesn’t like that Indian US Vice President
He will help Trump in the next elections
becos twitter CEO was a ah neh mah
and while trying to buy twitter
thus chao ah neh CEO gave him alot of shit
create all sorts of problems to stop him
when he finally got twitter
he was the first ah neh to be sacked
(06-11-2022, 01:27 PM)singaporean1964 Wrote: [ -> ]becos twitter CEO was a ah neh mah
and while trying to buy twitter
thus chao ah neh CEO gave him alot of shit
create all sorts of problems to stop him
when he finally got twitter
he was the first ah neh to be sacked

I remember the first time takeover fail due to Musk not getting certain info from Twitter. Second time it goes through. I guess first time that fail make Musk DL already so when he succeed second time we all know the outcome or can even guess the outcome
he must hv come across those cobra stories and confirmed by the news about a boy biting one to death
(06-11-2022, 12:36 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]

Elon ish veri WISE.
[Image: 4-BA2-AA7-C-75-FE-4-E4-F-B343-A9-C957-DAA217.jpg]
(06-11-2022, 12:36 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]

So kind of Elon… if ready based on work done …. at best ….  Thinking … 2 weeks plus one chapati or naan for good will
[Image: 971-CAA6-A-F9-F2-4-CFF-A812-3-FD85-C603-E88.webp]

[Image: 67-CF11-F4-4-CAB-4260-9-C8-A-BE7-D954-D4-BE7.jpg]
google ah neh ceo is next on the chopping board
the white hats will be taking over google

elon musk is with the white hat alliance
Actually looking through Twitter history this CEO did not sit long he sit from November 2021 to October 2022. He maybe working for many years but on the position of CEO not so long.