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Full Version: PAP cannot assume that it will form the next government: Lawrence Wong
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Wow no confidence sia still can be DPM
Of course lah. Look at Ah Jib
LHL should step down and out permanently

Otherwise, people are just voting for a PUPPET

So what is the point of having a new PM?

You think I am as stupid as 61%?
v v v too pre mature to give this type of warning
He is very worried now. Rotfl
I wonder if you think you are doing everything correctly for the benefit and goodness of ppl why do you have reservations on this issue? Unless you can feel within yourself it is not and hence to preempt any catastrophe that may happen, flag out upfront first?
(06-11-2022, 04:05 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]Wow no confidence sia still can be DPM

No confidence vote lah! Big Grin
(06-11-2022, 04:03 PM)mrclubbie Wrote: [ -> ]

Next GE gone case liao lah! Big Grin
They are generally quite good at redrawing the electoral boundaries, otherwise East and West Coast GRCs might have fallen to opposition parties in 2020.
(06-11-2022, 04:28 PM)Ichigo Wrote: [ -> ]They are generally quite good at redrawing the electoral boundaries, otherwise East and West Coast GRCs might have fallen to opposition parties in 2020.

I agree. So is the concept of GRC but that tactics has reared it's ugly head when it falls out goes 5-6 members instead of 1. It is a double-edged sword.
(06-11-2022, 04:27 PM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]Next GE gone case liao lah! Big Grin
Am waiting for the day to come and materialise a great CHANGE. Vote all these bullies out.
(06-11-2022, 04:51 PM)Gemstar Wrote: [ -> ]Am waiting for the day to come and materialise a great CHANGE. Vote all these bullies out.

You so stupid can only materialise from my karchng only lah Laughing

[Image: dynamo-liquid-detergent-regular-47kg.jpg]

Karchng Karchng Karchng ! Laughing

PN Balji: Singapore's 4G leaders are not up to the mark.
Reserve psychology trick there, PAP still will know the next GE They will be ruling party.

Remember " corporation Confirm votes behind " etc those top ones having connection with them.

Next the usual MIX vote from the people.

Another GRC down and SMC should be A STRONG HINT TO THEM BUCK UP
To all 'servants" even power changes hands , you are still be employed. You are still Singaporean. Would you still betray and defiled your conscience ?
(06-11-2022, 05:06 PM)Ernesto Wrote: [ -> ]To all  'servants" even power changes hands , you are still be employed. You are still Singaporean. Would you still betray and defiled your conscience ?

I find many opposition party members now got no conscience. They are out there just trying to be popular in opposing for the sake of opposing. They have no intention to help Singaporeans but just to gain popularity by being loud in opposing the government.
(06-11-2022, 05:11 PM)Choc Wrote: [ -> ]I find many opposition party members now got no conscience. They are out there just trying to be popular in opposing for the sake of opposing. They have no intention to help Singaporeans but just to gain popularity by being loud in opposing the government.

Did PAP go out to help Singaporeans?

Look at the Unlimited Tuition Subsidy for Foreigners.

Aren't you slapping yourself?

Aren't you arguong the sake of arguing only? 

You are just another Jac FArt 5354.

Add another 10 PAP candidates standing in one GRC and 5 SMC....guaranteed win to form next Govt for 5 years
erretion campaign started liao?
The message is for you.
If not us who?
LW is a smart streetwise hylum kia lah

PAP will continue govern Singapore for another 20 years lah

Huat ah!
I think the 39% have not and are not assuming in anyway which means that the PaP Camp are the ones assuming with false hope.
With increasing foreigners become citizens allowed to vote, PAP is gaurantee to form next Govt.

Unless many more born Singaporeans start voting for opposition.
(06-11-2022, 05:11 PM)Choc Wrote: [ -> ]I find many opposition party members now got no conscience. They are out there just trying to be popular in opposing for the sake of opposing. They have no intention to help Singaporeans but just to gain popularity by being loud in opposing the government.

Are you sure your PAP got conscience? 

They raise GST during this pandemic and coming Recession

then you go and support to pay 12% GST for all items

to prove that you are not opposing for the sake of opposing

Opposition is useless for Singaporeans and Singaporeans know it very well.

They are very good in stirring sai and very noisy in small setting like here.

When real works need to be done and decision needed to be made for the betterment of Singaporean, they will push it to PAP to do the job and say all sort of excuses.

The choice is very clear, Singaporean will continue trust PAP to be the government. Opposition is only here to kpkb.
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Bye bye PAP
(06-11-2022, 11:46 PM)Choc Wrote: [ -> ]Opposition is useless for Singaporeans and Singaporeans know it very well.

They are very good in stirring sai and very noisy in small setting like here.

When real works need to be done and decision needed to be made for the betterment of Singaporean, they will push it to PAP to do the job and say all sort of excuses.

The choice is very clear, Singaporean will continue trust PAP to be the government. Opposition is only here to kpkb.

Never trust the politician.
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