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Full Version: [ricemedia] Dwi Choong, failed A level but found success in USA
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what sort of name is DWI?
Pre-requisite is you must have rich parents to send you to US community college and then UCLA. Many people can do better than this, with rich parents.
I think it is more correct to say she found a job in US...rather than success.

At one time I also found a job with one of the largest fast food chain in the world based in US....that does not mean I found success.
(07-11-2022, 02:45 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]I think it is more correct to say she found a job in US...rather than success.

At one time I also found a job with one of the largest fast food chain in the world based in US....that does not mean I found success.

Rotfl u became a cannon here
if u continue to work at the fast food chain, cud be its regional manager or even higher
(07-11-2022, 04:42 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: [ -> ]if u continue to work at the fast food chain, cud be its regional manager or even higher

Maybe ...maybe not.

I am not really suited for normal 9 to 5 jobs that have to take orders from people. Not that I hated it, I found it really unfulfiling ...and really being used as menial labor.

That's why I left.
(07-11-2022, 05:20 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe ...maybe not.

I am not really suited for normal 9 to 5 jobs that have to take orders from people. Not that I hated it, I found it really unfulfiling ...and really being used as menial labor.

That's why I left.

You worked as server in McDonald’s? Big Grin