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Full Version: About 3% of HDB flat owners own at least 1 private property
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Koh Wan Ting
07 Nov 2022 02:24PM
(Updated: 07 Nov 2022 02:34PM)


Mr Lee said in Parliament on Monday that around 3 per cent of HDB flat owners own at least one private residential property as of October this year, adding that this proportion has fallen by about 0.3 percentage points in the last three years.

Of these flat owners, about 45 per cent are not living in their HDB flats as they have rented out their whole flat

More data at:
I thought the rule is that they must stay in the HDB flat even when they own private? Why not enforced if there is such a rule? Why allow the flat to be rented out for investment purposes since HDB is public housing for living?

I have ex colleague staying in HDB but he owns at least 4 private properties... Lol
And maybe 1% own more than 2 private properties?

Like the Stat Board Board of Directors in CPF etc, lor

Coz it's my friend's ex-colleague
(07-11-2022, 04:57 PM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]I thought the rule is that they must stay in the HDB flat even when they own private? Why not enforced if there is such a rule? Why allow the flat to be rented out for investment purposes since HDB is public housing for living?

I have ex colleague staying in HDB but he owns at least 4 private properties... Lol

After MOP period, then no such rule already right?
(07-11-2022, 05:19 PM)FartSunKing Wrote: [ -> ]Well done Singaporean HDB households

Thanks to PAP

They are able to invest in private properties

And participate in PAP's common prosperity scheme

Through property investments

Only 3% and they are mostly Fake Singaporeans like you

PAP failed so badly with 1/100 marks

Failures like you must praise failures to be Fake Happy again?

(07-11-2022, 05:24 PM)FartSunKing Wrote: [ -> ]More Singaporean HDB households

Owns at least 1 private property

Proves that PAP has enhanced the wealth

Of commoners who used to own just one property - a HDB flat

Well done PAP

Please be grateful and vote PAP next election

only 3% so PAP FAiled

Only Failures will vote for Failures like PAP
(07-11-2022, 05:28 PM)FartSunKing Wrote: [ -> ]I can understand

Why a fcuking long term jobless loser like ola

Is angry and envious

When other Singaporeans

Especially new citizens

Are having a better life with good jobs in Singapore

When she is jobless after she was sacked 4 years ago

You not happy can go back to Malaysia and die there

3% you praise PAP for their Failures

Are you mad again and forgot to take your medicine?
(07-11-2022, 04:57 PM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]I thought the rule is that they must stay in the HDB flat even when they own private? Why not enforced if there is such a rule? Why allow the flat to be rented out for investment purposes since HDB is public housing for living?

I have ex colleague staying in HDB but he owns at least 4 private properties... Lol

Funny is this thing been question and debate for years.

All along like this "which some claim feel weird "

- " IF " , you currently stay in HDB CAN BUY CONDO how many Units also can be it you going to rent out the condo or stay there whatever


- " IF " , you currently stay in Condo, YOU CANNOT BUY HDB FLAT MUST SELL OFF FIRST.

SO the outcome ??? this might also A factor pushing Resale HDB Flat price.
Jac Lau= Fart Sun King BROKE SG LAW

and never declare his Bungalow and Condo in Malaysia

to cheat our SG System

and deceive 5.7 Million People and PAP
I belong to the 97%.